Search results - 57 results
Core Standards of the EUBIROD Project. Defining a European Diabetes Data Dictionary for Clinical Audit and Healthcare Delivery.
indicators were identified in a clinical review of current evidence for the EUBIROD project. In order to allow accurate comparisons of diabetes indicators, a standardised currency for data storage and ...
The German and Belgian accreditation models for diabetic foot services.
diabetic foot care, the efforts required for data collection and analysis being balanced by the expected benefits. In Germany legislature demands measures of quality management for in- and out-patient ...
Good continuum of HIV care in Belgium despite weaknesses in retention and linkage to care among migrants.
who have sex with men and Sub-Saharan Africans. We studied the continuum of HIV care of those diagnosed with HIV living in Belgium and its associated factors. METHODS: Data on new HIV diagnoses ...
Negative determinants of diabetic foot ulcer healing: 6-month follow-up of a large multicentre cohort
with DFU healing. Conclusions: Presence of bilateral DFU s is particularly detrimental for healing. Compared to previous observational studies and especially Eurodiale [2], our data, collected routinely ...
Implementation of a quality improvement initiative in Belgian diabetic foot clinics: feasibility and initial results.
METHODS: Using self-developed software and questionnaires, diabetic foot clinics collected data in 2005, 2008 and 2011, covering characteristics, history and ulcer severity, management and outcome of the ...
HPV DNA, E6/E7 mRNA, and p16INK4a detection in head and neck cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
including a meta-regression to explore sources of heterogeneity. FINDINGS 148 studies were included, contributing data for 12 163 cases of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma from 44 countries. HPV DNA was ...
Quality of care of people with type 2 diabetes in eight European countries: findings from the Guideline Adherence to Enhance Care (GUIDANCE) study.
type 2 diabetes; also to investigate factors associated with key intermediate outcomes. Research Design and Methods: GUIDANCE was a cross-sectional study including retrospective data extraction from the ...
Care delivery and outcomes among Belgian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes treated in hospital-based multidisciplinary paediatric diabetes centres. Our retrospective cross-sectional study among 12 Belgian centres included data from 974 ...
Initiative for quality improvement and epidemiology among children and adolescents with diabetes (IQECAD)
s transmitted data on a random sample (N=976) of type 1 diabetic patients aged 0-18 years (representing about one third of all Belgian patients) to the Scientific Institute of Public Health (IPH) using an on-line ...
Surveillance trends of the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in Europe
of Illness Index statistics & numerical data Surveillance Sweden trend trends virology Abstract: Surveillance trends of the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in Europe Health Topics: Health and ...