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Benchmarking the nutrition-related commitments and practices of major French food companies.
(not-)permitted to be marketed to children according to the World Health Organisation Europe nutrient profile model and the proportion of ultra-processed food products as determined by the NOVA-classification. In ...
Estimates of people who injected drugs within the last 12 months in Belgium based on a capture-recapture and multiplier method
on data from more than fifteen years ago and apply only to those who report ever injecting drugs. As a result, no reliable baseline data exist to determine the scale of services for PWID. Methods We ...
Nationwide Screening for Bee Viruses and Parasites in Belgian Honey Bees.
screened 557 honey bee () colonies from 155 beekeepers distributed all over Belgium to determine the prevalence of seven widespread viruses and two parasites (sp. and sp.). Deformed wing virus B (DWV-B), ...
Transmission of Bluetongue Virus Serotype 8 by Artificial Insemination with Frozen-Thawed Semen from Naturally Infected Bulls.
BTV-8. Each experiment included one control heifer that was not inseminated and that remained BT negative throughout. BTV viraemia and seroconversion were determined in 8 out of 18 inseminated heifers, and ...
Isolation of Drug-Resistant Gallibacterium anatis from Calves with Unresponsive Bronchopneumonia, Belgium.
antimicrobial drugs. Whole-genome sequencing revealed 24 different antimicrobial-resistance determinants, including genes not previously described in the Gallibacterium genus or even the Pasteurellaceae family, ...
Vector competence of Belgian Culex pipiens for West Nile virus under different temperature conditions
Belgium, several neighboring countries reported WNV cases in animals and humans, making risk assessments of high importance with regard to a preparedness plan. Therefore, we determined the vector competence ...
Determinants of the risk of burnout among nurses during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium: A cross-sectional study
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Yasmine Khan; Arnaud Bruyneel; Smith, Pierre Source: (0) Health Topics: Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Manuscript v ...
Four sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Belgian general practice: first results (2013-2014) of a nationwide continuing surveillance study.
with the incidence based on mandatory notification of cases. Patient age or gender was missing from 35 episodes (11.4%). Independent determinants of missingness of patient age or gender were the Flemish ...