Search results - 110 results
Care delivery and outcomes among Belgian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
retinopathy (55 %) and microalbuminuria (73 %) was less frequent, but rates increased with age and diabetes duration. Median HbA(1c) was 61 mmol/mol (7.7 %) [interquartile range 54-68 mmol/mol (7.1-8.4 %)] and ...
Impact of a novel inactivated PRRS virus vaccine on virus replication and virus-induced pathology in fetal implantation sites and fetuses upon challenge.
gilts were PRRSV-positive. In conclusion, implementation of the novel experimental inactivated PRRSV vaccine primed the VN antibody response and slightly reduced the duration of viremia in gilts. It also ...
Amoebae as potential environmental hosts for Mycobacterium ulcerans and other mycobacteria, but doubtful actors in Buruli ulcer epidemiology36450
Elements DNA,Bacterial duration Ecological ecology electronic environment environmental Environmental Microbiology ENVIRONMENTAL-SAMPLES EPIDEMIOLOGICAL epidemiology Genetic genetics Ghana Group Human Humans ...
Initiative for quality improvement and epidemiology among children and adolescents with diabetes (IQECAD)
duration exceeding 1 year (N=861). Quality of care indicators were defined using international recommendations. Results Following the audit, the IPH provided each HBMC with a quality indicator feedback ...
Neonatal thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations in Belgium: a useful indicator for detecting mild iodine deficiency?
inverse association between neonatal TSH level and birth weight. The longer the duration between birth and screening, the lower the TSH level. Neonatal TSH levels were significantly lower in winter than in ...
Towards licensing of CP7_E2alf as marker vaccine against classical swine fever-Duration of immunity.
swine fever (CSF) marker vaccine candidate CP7_E2alf was tested in a “duration of immunity” trial according to the World Organisation for Animal Heath (OIE) guidelines. To this means, 15 weaner pigs were ...
Maternal mumps antibodies in a cohort of children up to the age of 1 year
(2012) Keywords: age antibodies Antibody Antwerp article at Belgium birth Birth Weight Birth-weight CHILDREN Cohort Studies Control disease Diseases duration electronic EVALUATION Germany Immunoglobulin ...
Severe acute cardiomyopathy associated with venlafaxine overdose and possible role of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms.
of an 11.25 g overdose of VEN. She was comatose and suffered two self-limited seizures. The electrocardiogram showed diffuse ST segment depression, but normal QRS and QT c duration. The plasma levels ...
Cervical cytology biobanks as a resource for molecular epidemiology.
long-term effects of the introduction of HPV vaccination. To understand the limitations of CCB, more studies are needed on quality of samples in relation to sample type, storage procedures, and duration ...
Kinetics of maternal antibodies against rubella and varicella in infants
Keywords: 0 Adult age an antibodies Antibodies,Viral Antibody Antwerp article AS at Belgium birth blood Chickenpox Coverage disease duration electronic Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Europe EVALUATION ...