Search results - 240 results

An innovative and integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorised GMOs

cassette and the rice genome. To this end, a DNA walking strategy is applied using a first reverse primer followed by two semi-nested PCR rounds using primers that are each time nested to the previous ...

An innovative integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorized GMOs

of the junction between the transgenic cassette and the rice genome. To this end, a DNA walking strategy is applied using a first reverse primer followed by two semi-nested PCR rounds using primers ...

Obstacles in measles elimination: an in-depth description of a measles outbreak in Ghent, Belgium, spring 2011.

epidemiological link to a laboratory confirmed case. Towards the end of the outbreak we only sought laboratory confirmation for persons with an atypical clinical presentation or without an epidemiological link. In ...

Determination of French influenza outbreaks periods between 1985 and 2011 through a web-based Delphi method33975

BMC.Med.Inform.Decis.Mak., Volume 13, p.138 (2013) Keywords: a Absence accuracy Algorithms an article at Consensus Control data de detection detection method electronic end epidemic Epidemics Establish ET France illness ...

The Belgian Health System Performance Report 2012: Snapshot of results and recommendations to policy makers

conceptual framework Countries Efficiency end of life End-of-life equity Evolution health health promotion Health status health system Health-status Indicator Indicators IS IT Long-term ON Output performance ...

Marine biotoxins in Brown crab (Cancer pagurus)

these toxins end up in different sorts of seafood by filtration of contaminated water (eg mussels and oysters) or by eating contaminated food (eg crabs or lobsters). Two groups of marine biotoxins were ...

Palliative care service use in four European countries: a cross-national retrospective study via representative networks of general practitioners.

experience complex symptoms and require palliative care towards the end of life. However, population-based data on the number of people receiving palliative care in Europe are scarce. The objective of this ...

Proteomic characterization of murid herpesvirus 4 extracellular virions.

MuHV-4 in order to improve the knowledge about proteins that compose gammaherpesviruses virions. To this end, MuHV-4 extracellular virions were isolated and structural proteins were identified using liquid ...

Mild iodine deficiency in pregnancy in Europe and its consequences for cognitive and psychomotor development of children: a review.

elevated neonatal TSH levels at birth. Finally, some studies suggest that iodine supplementation from the first trimester until the end of pregnancy may decrease the risk of cognitive and psychomotor ...

Predicted dietary intake of selenium by the general adult population in Belgium.

at the lower end but within the range recommended by the Superior Health Council in Belgium (60-70 µg day(-1)), and adequate according to the 55 µg day(-1) recommended by the Scientific Committee on ...

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