Search results - 240 results
Longitudinal monitoring of Culicoides in Belgium between 2007 and 2011: local variation in population dynamics parameters warrant cautious use of monitoring data.
November and the end of April. Interestingly, important yearly variations of up to two months in the duration of the vector-free period were found between the studied collection sites. In contrast to the ...
Application of whole genome data for in silico evaluation of primers and probes routinely employed for the detection of viral species by RT-qPCR using dengue virus as a case study.
contain and prevent viral spread in afflicted regions. Notably, we find that primer-template mismatches at their 3’ end may represent a general issue for dengue virus RT-qPCR detection methods that merits ...
The use of the permanent sample (eps) to study the returnto- work after cancer. Challenges and opportunities for research
multidisciplinary consultation (MOC) in 2011. RESULTS: By the end of follow-up, 24 % of the workers were deceased. Among those who survived 26 % are unable to work, 12 % are unemployed and 63 % do not receive any ...
Tobacco, Sunflower and High Biomass SRC Clones Show Potential for Trace Metal Phytoextraction on a Moderately Contaminated Field Site in Belgium.
productivity years, while the phytoextraction potential of experimental poplar () and willow () in short rotation coppice (SRC) was assessed at the end of the second cutting cycle (after two times four growing ...
Thirty-four years of pollen monitoring: an evaluation of the temporal variation of pollen seasons in Belgium
the concentration threshold of 80 pollen grains/m3 was clearly observed. Concerning temporal variations, the pollen season has tended to end earlier for birch, ash and plane and the peak concentration ...
Short-term biodistribution and clearance of intravenously administered silica nanoparticles
Published Full text access: Restricted Access DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxrep.2018.05.004 File: Version: Post-print Full text access: Under Embargo Embargo end date: 23-5-2019 Full text language: ...
Assessing factors associated with long-term work disability after cancer in Belgium: a population-based cohort study using competing risks analysis with a 7-year follow-up.
4.98 years. By the end of follow-up, more than one-third of the disabled cancer survivors were able to work (35%). While a large proportion of the women were able to work at the end of follow-up, the men ...
Palliative care service use by older people: Time trends from a mortality follow-back study between 2005 and 2014.
end-of-life care older people Palliative Care primary care trend analysis Abstract: BACKGROUND: The need for increased use and timely initiation of palliative care for all people, not just those who die with ...
Development and validation of an integrated DNA walking strategy to detect GMO expressing cry genes
of interest, including their transgene flanking regions and the unnatural associations of elements in their transgenic cassettes. To this end, the p35S, tNOS and t35S pCAMBIA elements have been ...
Impurity profiling of the most frequently encountered falsified polypeptide drugs on the Belgian market
these falsified preparations are produced outside the legally required quality systems, end-users have no guarantee regarding the efficacy and safety of these products. Although falsified samples of ...