Search results - 59 results

Salmonella contamination of pigs and pork in an integrated pig production system39

Veterinary Medicine young Abstract: This paper describes the monitoring of Salmonella in a closed pig production system in Belgium over a 2-year period. A sampling scheme including animal feeds and carcasses ...

Dietary L-carnitine supplementation increases antigen-specific immunoglobulin G production in broiler chickens.

levels was analysed in 2-6-week-old broilers. The chickens received commercial feeds either unsupplemented (starter feed 17.8 mg carnitine/kg, finisher diet 22.9 mg carnitine/kg) or supplemented with ...

Field trial with the coccidiostatics metichlorpindol and robenidine in a rabbit farm.

comparison with non medicated rabbits weight gain was 3.46% better. Feed conversion was improved by 6.76 and 6.55% at 33 and 66 ppm levels respectively, while the production index was improved by 19% and 22% ...

Next-generation sequencing as a tool for the molecular characterisation and risk assessment of genetically modified plants: Added value or not?

of GMO as food or feed, applications for Genetically Modified Plants (GMP) typically contain data for the molecular characterisation at the nucleic acid level based on Southern blot and polymerase ...

Detection of genetically modified plant products by protein strip testing: An evaluation of real-life samples

reaction” (PCR) analysis of genetically modified food/feed samples demonstrates complementarities of both techniques.-® Springer-Verlag 2007 Health Topics:  Gezondheid en milieu Health and environment Santé ...

Reitox national reporting to EMCDDA on drugs and drug addiction, 2021

drug situation.  Up to 2014, Reitox national reports were provided to the EMCDDA on an annual basis to feed the monitoring of the situation across Europe. Since 2015, the EMCDDA changed strategies concerning the ...

Avian cytokines- the natural approach to therapeutics.

countless lives and has increased life expectancy over the past few decades, there are concerns arising from their usage in livestock. The use of antibiotic feed additives in food production animals has been ...

Identification of an unauthorized genetically modified bacteria in food enzyme through whole-genome sequencing.

unauthorized genetically modified microorganisms in commercialized microbial fermentation products intended for the food and feed chain. Moreover, current issues encountered by the Competent Authorities and ...

Development of a taxon-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction method to detect Trichoderma reesei contaminations in fermentation products. Fermentation, 9 (11), 926

control fermentation products commercialized in the food and feed chain, allowing several unexpected GMM contaminations to be highlighted. Currently, only bacterial strains are targeted by this strategy. ...

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