Search results - 35 results

Towards Real-Time and Affordable Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigations Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technologies

routine laboratory practices to investigate food samples in case of foodborne outbreaks still rely on attempts to isolate the pathogen in order to characterize it. We present in this study a proof of ...

Whole Genome Sequencing Provides an Added Value to the Investigation of Staphylococcal Food Poisoning Outbreaks

their potential link within foodborne outbreak investigation. In addition to complete se gene profiling, relatedness between isolates is determined with more certainty using pulsed-field gel ...

Staphylococcal enterotoxin gene cluster: prediction of enterotoxin (SEG and SEI) production and of the source of food poisoning based on Saβ typing.

(human- or cattle-derived) of an outbreak strain, which is the key for a better understanding of the role SEG and SEI play in foodborne outbreaks caused by . Health Topics:  Food-borne illness ...

A Practical Method to Implement Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigation and Source Tracking in Routine.

Sigrid C.J. De Keersmaecker Source: Microorganisms, Volume 8, Issue 8 (2020) Keywords: food surveillance Metagenomics outbreak SNP analysis STEC whole genome Abstract: The management of a foodborne ...

The Benefits of Whole Genome Sequencing for Foodborne Outbreak Investigation from the Perspective of a National Reference Laboratory in a Smaller Country.

Vanneste; Nancy Roosens; Sigrid C.J. De Keersmaecker Source: Foods, Volume 9, Issue 8 (2020) Keywords: Food Safety foodborne outbreak investigation Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli STEC Surveillance WGS ...

NAuRA: Genomic Tool to Identify Staphylococcal Enterotoxins in Strains Responsible for FoodBorne Outbreaks.

diversity Abstract: Food contamination by staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE s) is responsible for many food poisoning outbreaks (FPO s) each year, and they represent the third leading cause of FPO s in Europe. ...

Impact of DNA extraction on whole genome sequencing analysis for characterization and relatedness of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates

extraction, are required to ensure robust and exchangeable WGS data. Data sharing between (inter)national laboratories is essential to support foodborne pathogen control, including outbreak investigation. This ...

An international outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis linked to eggs from Poland: a microbiological and epidemiological study

Weicherding Source: The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 19, Issue 7 (2019) Keywords: International outbreak Salmonella Abstract: Salmonella spp are a major cause of food-borne outbreaks in Europe. We ...

The experience of the Belgian NRL for bivalve mollusc shellfish on norovirus detection, especially during outbreak investigations.

meeting Norovirus ON outbreak outbreak investigation Shellfish Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Pathogènes ...

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