Search results - 2147 results

The performance of a point-of-care test for the diagnosis of Neurocysticercosis in a resource-poor community setting in Zambia- a diagnostic accuracy study.

Doeltreffendheid en veiligheid van vaccins, geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten- Kwaliteit van de medische laboratoria Manuscript versions:  DOI: File:  Version:  ...

Evaluating MIR and NIR Spectroscopy Coupled with Multivariate Analysis for Detection and Quantification of Additives in Tobacco Products.

Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products Manuscript versions:  DOI: File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  ...

Illegal medicines observed in the EU

Médicaments illégaux Illegal medicines Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  Médicaments et produits de santé Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products Full text language:  English ...

Substandard and falsified ivermectin tablets obtained for self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of potential harm.

newly developed active pharmaceutical ingredients that can safely be used to combat parasites is rather scarce. Health Topics:  Illegal medicines Médicaments illégaux Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  ...

Identification and quantification of the novel synthetic nicotinic alkaloid 6-methyl nicotine in proclaimed tobacco- and nicotine free pouches, available in the EU

(2024) Health Topics:  E-cigarette E-cigarette E-sigaret Service:  Médicaments et produits de santé Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products Full text language:  English ...

The diverse world of weight loss promoting dietary supplements

Topics:  Illegal medicines Médicaments illégaux Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  Médicaments et produits de santé Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products Full text language:  ...

Peptides as performance enhancing drugs

illégaux Illegal medicines Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  Médicaments et produits de santé Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products Full text language:  English Category:  C31 ...

QC as a basis for human application of phage therapy in Belgium

van vaccins, geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten- Kwaliteit van de medische laboratoria Service:  Médicaments et produits de santé Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products ...

Production et accès aux produits médicaux (Vaccin): Témoignage Sciensano: renforcement (RFDA)

products- Quality of medical laboratories Efficacité et sécurité des vaccins, médicaments et produits de santé- Qualité des laboratoires médicaux Doeltreffendheid en veiligheid van vaccins, geneesmiddelen en ...

Release of Nano-objects, their aggregates and agglomerates from Masks (RENAAME): validation of a screening method to identify Ti and Ag elements in masks

des laboratoires médicaux Doeltreffendheid en veiligheid van vaccins, geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten- Kwaliteit van de medische laboratoria Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux ...

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