Search results - 829 results
Proteomic detection as an alternative for the quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins
identification identify Immunoassay IS matrix Meat method methods microorganism milk ON outbreak Peptides poisoning prevention PROCESSES protein purification Quantification RANGE Sample Samples Selection specific ...
Staphylococcal EnteroToxin DeTECTion by SETTECT
LC-MS/MS method result results SAFETY Still Strategies Strategy use WIV-ISP Workshop Abstract: 7.7.2 SE DETECTION BY LC- MS / MS Mirjana ANDJELKOVIC, WIV- ISP, BE- NRL) presented the LC- MS / MS principle of ...
Validation of the entire CoSYPS Path Food workflow for qPCR detection, identification, isolation and confirmation of food-borne pathogenic bacteria present in carcass samples
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: E. Barbau-Piednoir; J. Mahillon; Nancy Roosens Source: Rapid Methods Europe (RME) 2014, NA, Issue RME advisory committee, NA ...
GMOval- WP2: In-house validation of qPCR methods for GMO screening
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Sylvia Broeders Source: GMOval Open Meeting, NA, Issue GMOval consortium, NA (2014) Keywords: GMO GMOval meeting method ...
The European COPHES/DEMOCOPHES project: towards transnational comparability and reliability of human biomonitoring results.
shortcomings in the determination of Cd when using certain ICP / MS methods. Results were corrected by reanalyzes. The COPHES / DEMOCOPHES project for the first time succeeded in performing a harmonized ...
Determination of caramel colorants' by-products in liquid foods by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS).
Volume 31, Issue 10, p.1652-60 (2014) Keywords: Acetic Acid Analytic Sample Preparation Methods beer Beverages Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid Condiments Food Coloring Agents Food Contamination Food ...
Protocol of the PSYCHOTSH study: association between neonatal thyroid stimulating hormone concentration and intellectual, psychomotor and psychosocial development at 4-5 year of age: a retrospective cohort study.
could lead to a reassessment of the recommended cut-off levels of 5 > mU/L used for monitoring iodine status of the population. METHODS: In total, 380 Belgian 4-5 year old preschool children from ...
Lessons learned from a textbook outbreak: EHEC-O157:H7 infections associated with the consumption of raw meat products, June 2012, Limburg, Belgium.
O157: H7 infections were reported to the public health authorities of Limburg. METHODS: We performed a case-control study, a trace back/forward investigation and compared strains isolated from human cases ...
What determines inclusion in the early phase of the type 2 diabetes care trajectory in Belgium?
patient-related factors associated with inclusion in a CT and to determine the most frequent reasons for non-inclusion. METHODS: In 2010, the Belgian Sentinel Network of General Practices conducted a prevalence ...
Development and application of a non-targeted extraction method for the analysis of migrating compounds from plastic baby bottles by GC-MS.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Onghena, Matthias; Els Van Hoeck; Vervliet, Philippe; Scippo, Marie Louise; Simon, Coraline; Van Loco, Joris; Covaci, Adrian Source: Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess, V ...