Search results - 1996 results
Magnitude and determinants of excess total, age-specific and sex-specific all-cause mortality in 24 countries worldwide during 2020 and 2021: results on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic from the C-MOR project.
2020 and 2021, overall and stratified by sex and age. METHODS: Total, age-specific and sex-specific weekly all-cause mortality was collected for 2015-2021 and excess mortality for 2020 and 2021 was ...
Experimental accumulation and depuration kinetics and natural occurrence of microcystin-LR in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.).
exposure to MC- LR for another seven days. MC- LR concentrations in Hoagland solution, basil leaves, and roots were quantified using a validated UHPLC- MS / MS method. In addition, ELISA and LC- HRMS (only ...
Thirty years of epidemiological surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Belgian hospitals: are we able to keep on lowering the curve?
initiated in 1994. Initially, participation in this surveillance was voluntary, but became mandatory in 2006. Methods Data, aggregated at hospital level, are collected retrospectively in the following year by ...
Prevalence of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals in 2022: Results of ECDC Point Prevalence Survey
the ECDC PPS was repeated in Belgian acute care hospitals. Methods: Data collection was performed from September to November 2022, following the ECDC protocol (version 6.0) at hospital/ward/patient ...
EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2023
according to a coherent framework. To tackle this objective, the disease burden attributable to environmental stressors is estimated using comparative risk assessment (CRA). As this method determines the ...
Multimorbidity healthcare expenditure in Belgium: a 4-year analysis (COMORB study).
morbidity interactions on costs. METHODS: We followed a retrospective longitudinal study design, using the linked Belgian Health Interview Survey 2018 and the administrative claim database 2017-2020 hosted by ...
A survey of the representativeness and usefulness of wastewater-based surveillance systems in 10 countries across Europe in 2023
(WBS) has become a widespread method to monitor transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other human pathogens in Europe. We conducted a survey about WBS systems’ objectives, approaches, representativeness and ...
Check of APpropriaTeness of Antimicrobial therapy In Nursing homes (CAPTAIN): a point prevalence study in Belgium
Check of AP propriaTeness of antimicrobial therapy in nursing homes (CAPTAIN) study aimed to assess both prevalence and appropriateness of AMT in Belgian nursing homes. Methods In a prospective, ...
Closing the gap: Oxford Nanopore Technologies R10 sequencing allows comparable results to Illumina sequencing for SNP-based outbreak investigation of bacterial pathogens.
Whole-genome sequencing has become the method of choice for bacterial outbreak investigation, with most clinical and public health laboratories currently routinely using short-read Illumina sequencing. Recently, ...
Closing the gap: Oxford Nanopore Technologies R10 sequencing allows comparable results to Illumina sequencing for SNP-based outbreak investigation of bacterial pathogens.
Whole-genome sequencing has become the method of choice for bacterial outbreak investigation, with most clinical and public health laboratories currently routinely using short-read Illumina sequencing. Recently, ...