Search results - 76 results

Pleuromutilins: use in food-producing animals in the European Union, development of resistance and impact on human and animal health.

serious multidrug-resistant skin infections and respiratory infections, including those caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), are being developed. The objective of this review is to ...

2,4-Dialkyl-8,9,10,11-tetrahydrobenzo[g]pyrimido[4,5-c]isoquinoline-1,3,7,12(2H,4H)-tetraones as new leads against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Molecular Structure Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pyrimidinones Quinones Structure-Activity Relationship Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant Abstract: Given the re-emergence of tuberculosis in Europe and beyond, ...

1,2,3,4,8,9,10,11-Octahydrobenzo[j]phenanthridine-7,12-diones as New Leads against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

clinically relevant mycobacterial species at submicromolar concentrations. The susceptibility of a multidrug resistant strain toward these compounds and their ability to target intracellular replicating ...

Epidemic increase in Salmonella bloodstream infection in children, Bwamanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo33985

(8⅜5, 97.6 %) non-typhoid Salmonella isolates as well as 6/18 (33.3 %) Salmonella Typhi isolates were multidrug resistant (i.e. resistant to the first-line oral antibiotics amoxicillin, ...

Para-Aminosalicylic acid is a prodrug targeting dihydrofolate reductase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis33991

multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Although it has been in clinical use for over 60 years, its mechanism(s) of action remains elusive. Here we report that PAS is a prodrug targeting dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) ...

From multidrug- to extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis: upward trends as seen from a 15-year nationwide study.

Male Mutation Mycobacterium tuberculosis REGISTRIES Treatment Outcome Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant Young adult Abstract: BACKGROUND: Emergence of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR- TB) ...

Epidemiology of multidrug-resistant microorganisms among nursing home residents in Belgium.

Boudewijn Catry; Glupczynski, Youri Source: PLoS One, Volume 8, Issue 5, p.e64908 (2013) Keywords: Adult Aged Aged, 80 and over bacteria Bacterial Physiological Phenomena Belgium Drug Resistance, Bacterial ...

Characterization of methicillin-resistant non-Staphylococcus aureus staphylococci carriage isolates from different bovine populations.

multidrug-resistance gene cfr. SCC mec cassettes of type III predominated (n = 46); another 40 SCC mec cassettes harboured a class A mec complex without identifiable ccr complex; type IV a, type V and several other ...

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