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Search results - 91 results
Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mind-set of the manufacturer.
release testing that must be carried out by the manufacturer for each single batch. The Directives require Member States to recognize Official Control Authority Batch Release carried out by other Member ...
Clinical and Analytical Performance of the Onclarity HPV Assay Using the VALGENT Framework.
Specificity Young adult Abstract: As the demand for human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cervical screening increases, emerging HPV tests must be evaluated robustly using well-annotated samples, such as those ...
Falciparum malaria molecular drug resistance in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a systematic review.
almost 15 years. The MOH must implement a national surveillance system for monitoring malaria drug resistance and this surveillance should be conducted frequently and country-representative. Health ...
The use of serosurveys following emergency vaccination, to recover the status of "foot-and-mouth disease free where vaccination is not practised".
of uninfected vaccinated animals, a serosurvey for antibodies to FMD virus non-structural proteins (NSP) must be used to substantiate absence of occult virus infections. Areas of doubt over ...
Mumps increase in Flanders, Belgium, 2012-2013: results from temporary mandatory notification and a cohort study among university students.
essential. However, the reasons for low vaccine effectiveness must be further explored and additional immunological research for more immunogenic mumps vaccines is necessary. Health Topics: Health and disease ...
Using mortality follow-up of surveys to estimate social inequalities in healthy life years.
to produce mortality rates by SES, and therefore some alternatives must be explored. This paper assesses the validity of calculating HLY by SES using mortality rates derived from a linkage between ...
Risk assessment for contained use of GMOs
specific containment, protective measures and safe work practices.For each contained use, the precise nature and scale of risks are not fully known in advance and the risk involved must be assessed on ...
Towards a typing strategy for Arcobacter species isolated from humans and animals and assessment of the in vitro genomic stability.
conditions. The bias due to these genomic changes must be taken into account in the evaluation of the relationship of strains. Health Topics: Animal health Category: A1 FOS Classification: 4.03 Veterinary ...
Characterization of suspected illegal skin whitening cosmetics.
properties, are in particular hydroquinone, tretinoin and corticosteroids. From a legislative point of view, all cosmetic products containing a prohibited whitening agent are illegal and must be taken off the ...
Policy statement on multidisciplinary cancer care.
care they need and deserve. While implementation must remain in local hands, European health systems can still benefit from having a basis for an effective multidisciplinary model of cooperation. This ...