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Search results - 209 results

Understanding New Psychoactive Substance (NPS) use in Belgium from a health perspective (NPS-Care)

Besides the issuing of alerts that involve the use of NPS in the context of European and national Early Warning Systems (EWS), many questions remain. Who uses NPS? How and to which degree? Why? Which ...

Environmental exposures and health behavior in association with mental health: a study design.

participants. Therefore, data analyses will be conducted on different subsets. Data on air pollution and green space exposure is available for all BHIS participants. Questions on smoking and mental health were ...

Consumers' food choices, understanding and perceptions in response to different front-of-pack nutrition labelling systems in Belgium: results from an online experimental study.

cereals), as well as rank those same three foods according to nutritional quality, in the condition without as well as with FOPL. In addition, various questions were asked on their perceptions in relation to ...

Phylogeography of Human and Animal Strains: Genetic Fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium.

a different degree of apparent prevalence (1.93%, 9.19%, and 5.50%, respectively). In addition, and for the first time, it is detected in abortion of alpaca (), raising questions on the role of these animals as ...

Biological effects of radiofrequency fields: Testing a paradigm shift in dosimetry

relaunch the controversial question of non-thermal effects of RF. If true, such effects would imply to consider RF energy absorption/interaction in tissues, not as volume-averaged, but locally down to the ...

Comparing web-based versus face-to-face and paper-and-pencil questionnaire data collected through two Belgian health surveys

differences were detected for indicators based on simple and factual questions compared to indicators based on subjective or complex questions. Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health ...

Perceived utility and feasibility of pathogen genomics for public health practice: a survey among public health professionals working in the field of infectious diseases, Belgium, 2019

health practice. Methods In May 2019, Belgian public health and healthcare professionals were invited to complete an online survey containing eight main topics including background questions, general attitude ...

Mixing mixed-mode designs in a national health interview survey: a pilot study to assess the impact on the self-administered questionnaire non-response.

sensitive topics. In order to alleviate the burden of a supplementary P&P questioning after the interview, a mixed-mode SAQ design including a web and P&P option was tested for the Belgian health ...

Confronting Risk of Bias in RF Bioeffects Research. Comments on Two Papers by Vijayalaxmi and Prihoda

from exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy. This work extended their previously published reviews covering the time periods, 1990–2005 (3) and 1990–2011 (4). The work raises questions about how to ...

Detailed Evaluation of Data Analysis Tools for Subtyping of Bacterial Isolates Based on Whole Genome Sequencing: as a Proof of Concept.

the detailed comparison of WGS-based subtyping workflows and evaluation of their suitability for the organism and the research context in question. We evaluated the performance of pipelines used for ...

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