Search results - 2418 results

Vector competence of Belgian Culex pipiens for West Nile virus under different temperature conditions

via RT-qPCR in abdomen, head-wings-legs and saliva, respectively. Results indicated that Culex pipiens exhibited an IR of 27.8%, DR of 53.3%, and TR of 50% at a constant 25°C. At the 25/15°C condition, ...

Activity-based detection of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in plant materials

dilution, was optimized for plant matrices, including cannabis, spiked with 5 µg/mg of the SCRA CP55,940. Results: The bioassay successfully detected all samples of a set (n = 24) of analytically confirmed ...

Four sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Belgian general practice: first results (2013-2014) of a nationwide continuing surveillance study.

SGP-based incidence and incidence based on mandatory notification, missingness of patient age or gender and incompleteness of sexual risk history of patients. RESULTS: 306 new STI episodes were reported from ...

Investigation of inflammatory and allergic responses to common mold species: Results from in vitro experiments, from a mouse model of asthma, and from a group of asthmatic patients.

P. brevicompactum, C. sphaerospermum, and C. cladosporïoides were the “major sensitizer” (defined as the strongest response against a single mold species) for almost 30% of the asthmatics. These results show that, not ...

A national cohort of HIV-infected patients in Belgium: design and main characteristics.

on trends in antiretroviral therapy and biological results. This will serve for planning purposes, evaluation of access to care and as a source of information for further studies. Service:  ...

Introduction of the HPV test in Cervical Cancer Screening in Belgium

screening algorithms, the nomenclature changes, the list of accepted HPV tests, special provisions for accreditation of medical laboratories and regulations on the registration of the screening results. From ...

Clinical Guidance: Supporting the introduction of the HPV test in cervical cancer screening in Belgium

abnormal cytology result. In December 2022, the Interministerial Conference decided (in line with the IMC ’s earlier decisions during the previous reign) to switch from cytology to primary HPV screening for ...

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