Search results - 156 results

Virulence and immunogenicity of genetically defined human and porcine isolates of M. avium subsp. hominissuis in an experimental mouse infection.

multisequence type, for which no correlation of place of residence (humans) or farm of origin (pigs) was observed, seems to point to the existence in the environment of certain genotypes of Mah which may be more ...

A dose-escalation study of combretastatin A4-phosphate in healthy dogs.

seem to be well tolerated. The severity of the neurotoxicity observed at 100 mg m(-2), although transient, does not invite to use this dose in canine oncology patients. Health Topics:  Animal health ...

Accuracy of combinations of visual inspection using acetic acid or lugol iodine to detect cervical precancer: a meta-analysis.

alone seems to be the most useful visual screening test for cervical cancer screening. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

Innate signaling by mycolate esters of the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and relevance for development of adjuvants for subunit vaccines

Rather, the nature of the sugar and the number of acyl chains bound to it seem to dictate the affinity of the glycolipid for Mincle receptor in vitro. In vivo, we observed that TDM, TMM and GMM induce ...

The role of methylation, DNA polymorphisms and microRNAs on HLA-G expression in human embryonic stem cells.

p.118-127 (2017) Abstract: The human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G gene seems to play a pivotal role in maternal tolerance to the fetus. Little is known about HLA-G expression and its molecular control during in ...

Initiative for Quality Improvement and Epidemiology in Multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics (IQED-Foot)- Results of the 4th data collection (audit years 2013-2014)

literature. Rates of knee-high immobilisation were high and immobilisation durations were short. However, it seems that the short immobilisation duration was paralleled by a high recurrence rate. This finding ...

Three Different Routes of Inoculation for Experimental Infection with Schmallenberg Virus in Sheep.

showed RNA emia, the viral genome could be detected in spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes. Both the SC and ID routes seem suitable to properly reproduce field conditions, as comparable observations were ...

Development of molecular tools for rapid detection and quantification of indoor airborne molds to assess their impact on public health

have some limitations. For example, uncultivable or dead fungi (“unknown” fraction) cannot be identified, although they could have an impact on human health.  In this context, molecular tools seem to be ...

General practice patients treated for substance use problems: a cross-national observational study in Belgium.

the general practice population treated for substance use problems seems to be feasible and useful. The latter is suggested by the specific profile and the relative magnitude of the population. ...

Field trials with GM trees: a step-by-step approach

a step-wise manner at the same time that knowledge on the GM plant and its environmental interactions increases. Very few other countries seem to apply a similar classification of field trials. We argue that ...

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