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First European pollen reanalysis for allergenic trees
tendencies. The existing studies on pollen trends are usually limited to the individual station or specific regions. In the present reanalysis the symbiosis of in-situ measurements and modern modelling tools ...
Modelling grass pollen load in temperate and Mediterranean European areas based on source spatial distribution
causes of pollen allergy worldwide. Still, the identification of its specific emission sources is a challenging task because of the ubiquitous nature of this pollen type. Previous studies have explored the ...
Impact of environmental nitrogen enrichment on birch pollen allergy
representing the nitrogen gradient, was used to determine their allergenicity in pollen-allergic adult patients (n = 60 in total) using ex vivo basophil activation testing (BAT) and specific IgE (sIgE) ...
Advancing automated identification of airborne fungal spores: Guidelines for cultivation and reference dataset creation
and creating datasets specifically tailored for training algorithms to classify airborne fungal spores. Critical aspects such as access to reference fungal species, in vitro cultivation, sporulation ...
Metabarcoding and metagenomics techniques in monitoring airborne pollen
and therefore the airborne pollen. This process requires, before sequencing, the preparation and amplification of the specific library for each sequencing platform. “Ion Torrent” (ThermoFisher), ...
Phage-Mediated Digestive Decolonization in a Gut-On-A-Chip Model: A Tale of Gut-Specific Bacterial Prosperity.
Specific risk factors may trigger the conversion of these carriages into infections in hospitalized patients. Preventively eradicating these carriages has been postulated as a promising preventive ...
Multicentric Analysis of the Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility of Clinical Isolates from Aspergillus Section Circumdati
EUCAST reference method, a poor susceptibility to amphotericin B, but species/ series-specific patterns were observed for azole drugs. This underlines the interest in getting an accurate identification ...
Allele Frequencies of Genetic Variants Associated with Varroa Drone Brood Resistance (DBR) in Apis mellifera Subspecies across the European Continent.
that variant type allele frequencies of these variants are primarily related to the subspecies or phylogenetic honey bee lineage. Our results confirm that population-specific genetic markers should ...
Communication on out of specification results for vaccine Drug Substances
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Karine Meunier; Stéphane Maisonneuve; François Cano; Wim Van Molle; Camille Domicent; Florence Masquelier Source: Annual OMCL Meeting, OCABR Vaccin Session, EDQM, Issue EDQM, Ohrid, ...
A systematic review and meta-analysis of human population studies on the association between exposure to toxic environmental chemicals and left ventricular dysfunction (LVD).
[-0.033 (-0.051, -0.016)]. CONCLUSIONS: Existing evidence shows that specific early markers of HF may be associated with exposure to chemical pollutants. It is recommended to include such endpoints in new ...