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Search results - 2 results

Prevalence of human erythrovirus B19 DNA in healthy Belgian blood donors and correlation with specific antibodies against structural and non-structural viral proteins.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Isabelle Thomas; Di Giambattista, M; Gérard, C; Esther Mathys; Hougardy, V; Latour, B; Branckaert, T; Laub, R Source: Vox Sang, Volume 84, ...

PCR detects HCV RNA in a plasma pool contaminated by a single preseroconversion donation of genotype 5a.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Isabelle Thomas; Branckaert, T; Esther Mathys; Vranckx, R; Laub, R Source: Vox Sang, Volume 79, Issue 2, p.69-71 (2000) Keywords: Belgium ...

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