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Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2022-2023 - Rapport sur l'activité physique et la sédentarité,
, 05/12/2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Food consumption Survey 2022-2023- Methodology report - Accelerometers,
, 05/12/2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Gewichtstoestand en gewichtsgerelateerd gedrag bij de Belgische bevolking - Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2022 - 2023,
, 2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.14, (2024)
Methodology report - Food Consumption Survey,
, 2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.36, (2024)
Statut pondéral et comportements liés au poids dans la population belge - Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2022-2023,
, 2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.14, (2024)
Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2022-2023 samenvattende rapport over lichaamsbeweging en sedentair gedrag,
, 05/12/2024, Brussels, Belgium , (2024)
Weight status and weight-related behaviours in the Belgian population - Food consumption survey 2022-2023,
, 2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.14, (2024)
Habitual food consumption of the Belgian population in 2014-2015 and adherence to food-based dietary guidelines,
, Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2019, Volume 77, Issue 1, (2019)
Habitual food consumption of the Belgian population in 2014-2015 and adherence to food-based dietary guidelines,
, Archives of Public Health, (2019)
Habitual food consumption of the Belgian population in 2014-2015 and adherence to food-based dietary guidelines.,
, Arch Public Health, 2019, Volume 77, (2019)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015, partie 4 : consommation alimentaire,
, 2016, Number 211, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.1577, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Rapport 2 : sécurité alimentaire,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.147, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Rapport 3 : activité physique et sédentarité.,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.331, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015, rapport 4: consommation alimentaire,
, 2016, Volume 4, Number 1577, Bruxelles, p.1577, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Résumé rapport 2 : sécurité alimentaire,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.16, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Résumé rapport 4: la consommation alimentaire,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.88, (2016)
Physical activity and sedentary behavior in Belgium (BNFCS2014): design, methods and expected outcomes.,
, Arch Public Health, 2016, Volume 74, p.44, (2016)
Physical activity and sedentary behavior in Belgium (BNFSC2014): design, methods and expected outcomes,
, Arch Public Health, 2016, Volume 74, Issue 44, (2016)
Protocol of the Belgian food consumption survey 2014: objectives, design and methods.,
, Arch Public Health, 2016, Volume 74, p.20, (2016)
Résumé des résultats,
, Brussels, Belgium, (2016)
Voedselconsumptie 2014-2015: Samenvatting van de resultaten,
, Samenvatting van de resultaten, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.201, (2016)
Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2014-2015. Rapport 2: Voedselveiligheid,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.145, (2016)
Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2014-2015. Rapport 3: lichaamsbeweging en sedentair gedrag.,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.327, (2016)
Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2014-2015. Rapport 4: de consumptie van voedingsmiddelen en de inname van voedingstoffen,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.1551, (2016)
Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2014-2015. Samenvatting Rapport 1: voedingsgewoonten, antropometrie en voedingsbeleid,
, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.48, (2016)