The Benefits of Whole Genome Sequencing for Foodborne Outbreak Investigation from the Perspective of a National Reference Laboratory in a Smaller Country.

Last updated on 14-4-2022 by Wesley Van Dessel

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



Gradually, conventional methods for foodborne pathogen typing are replaced by whole genome sequencing (WGS). Despite studies describing the overall benefits, National Reference Laboratories of smaller countries often show slower uptake of WGS, mainly because of significant investments required to generate and analyze data of a limited amount of samples. To facilitate this process and incite policy makers to support its implementation, a Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) O157:H7 (+, +, +) outbreak (2012) and a STEC O157:H7 (+, +) outbreak (2013) were retrospectively analyzed using WGS and compare…

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