Effect of farm type on within-herd Salmonella prevalence, serovar distribution, and antimicrobial resistance36467

Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (non vérifié)

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article


Salmonella represents a major challenge to the pig industry, as pork presents a risk for human salmonellosis. In this study, we have examined the effect of farm type on the prevalence of fattening pigs shedding Salmonella on 12 farms at risk for harboring Salmonella. On six open (grow-to-finish) and six closed (farrow-to-finish) farms, the prevalence of pigs shedding Salmonella was determined on two occasions approximately 2 months apart. The serovar, phage type, and antimicrobial resistance of the obtained Salmonella isolates were determined. On all farms, pigs shedding Salmonella were det…

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