Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (non vérifié)
Public Access
Stefanie Vandevijvere; Geelen,A.; Gonzalez-Gross,M.; P. Van't Veer; Dallongeville,J.; Mouratidou,T.; Dekkers,A.; C. Börnhorst; Breidenassel,C.; Crispim,S.; L. Moreno; M. Cuenca-Garcia; K. Vyncke; Beghin,L.; Grammatikaki,E.; S. De Henauw; Calasta,G.; M. Hallström; J. Wérnberg; Esperanza,L.; Slimani,N.; Manios,D.; Gilbert,C.; Kafatos,A.; Stehle,P.; Huybrechts,I.Mots-clés
Accurate food and nutrient intake assessment is essential for investigating diet-disease relationships. In the present study, food and nutrient intake assessment among European adolescents using 24 h recalls (mean of two recalls) and a FFQ (separately and the combination of both) were evaluated using concentration biomarkers. Biomarkers included were vitamin C, ß-carotene, DHA+EPA, vitamin B