Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (non vérifié)
Public Access
Tachykinins are multifunctional neuropeptides that have been identified in vertebrates as well as invertebrates. The C-terminal FXGXRa-motif constitutes the consensus active core region of invertebrate tachykinins. In Drosophila, two putative G protein-coupled tachykinin receptors have been cloned: DTKR and NKD. This study focuses on the functional characterization of DTKR, the Drosophila ortholog of the stable fly’s tachykinin receptor (STKR). Tachykinins containing an alanine residue instead of the highly conserved glycine (FXAXRa) display partial agonism on STKR-mediated Ca(2+)-responses…