Résultats de la recherche - 264 results
Anxiety and depression in people with post-COVID condition: a Belgian population-based cohort study three months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
increased probability of having both anxiety and depressive symptoms (p < 0.001). The proportion with anxiety and depressive symptoms at three months were significantly higher in people with PCC (11% and ...
EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024
attributable burden proportionally, figures for the total disease burden are required as a baseline to obtain absolute estimates. In EB oD- FL, the EBD is quantified as disability-adjusted life years (DALY s), ...
L’enregistrement TDI en Belgique, Rapport annuel, année d’enregistrement 2023
depuis 2015. • Le nombre de patients en traitement pour plusieurs substances est en augmentation. • Environ un patient sur trois est une femme et cette proportion est en augmentation. • Les patients ...
et 2021 : le nombre de déterminations de la tension artérielle et la proportion de patients ayant atteint l’objectif thérapeutique de l’HbA1c de 7,0, 7,5 et 9,0 % ont augmenté, tandis que le nombre de ...
The use of radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy in the curative treatment of cancer: results from the FORTY (Favourable Outcomes from RadioTherapY) project
receiving surgery, alone or in combination; radiotherapy was delivered to 39% and chemotherapy to 29%; 45% received two and 13% all three modalities. Conclusions The high proportion receiving multi modality ...
Anxiety and depression in people with post-COVID condition: a Belgian population-based cohort study three months after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
symptoms (p < 0.001). The proportion with anxiety and depressive symptoms at three months were significantly higher in people with PCC (11% and 19%) compared to people without persistent COVID symptoms ...
Surveillance épidémiologique des infections invasives à Haemophilus influenzae – 2023
proportion de cas par rapport au nombre total d’infections à H. influenzae est plus faible (6,3 % des cas en 2023) que celle de 2020 et 2022 (9,5% et 9,6% des cas, respectivement). En 2023, Le Centre National ...
The prevalence of pathogens in ticks collected from humans in Belgium, 2021, versus 2017.
RESULTS: In 2021, the same tick species as in 2017 were identified in similar proportions; of 1094 ticks, 98.7% were Ixodes ricinus, 0.8% Ixodes hexagonus and 0.5% Dermacentor reticulatus. A total of 928 ...
Neurocysticercosis Prevalence and Characteristics in Communities of Sinda District in Zambia: A Cross-Sectional Study.
contrast none of the TS POC CC- participants was diagnosed with active NCC. CONCLUSION: NCC is common in communities in the Eastern province of Zambia, but a large proportion of people remain asymptomatic. ...
The importance of estimating the burden of disease from foodborne transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi
vector-borne infection, with higher mortality and more severe symptoms. We therefore suggest that it is insufficient to use source attribution alone to determine the foodborne proportion of current burden ...