Résultats de la recherche - 16 results

Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health.

of structurally diverse secondary metabolites with toxic potential has been identified, but occurrence and relative proportion of the different metabolites in complex mixtures depend on strain, ...

Knowledge, attitude, and practices of the community and meat industry workers towards Taenia saginata taeniosis and bovine cysticercosis in and around Jimma and Ambo towns of Ethiopia

scores with the demographic variables. The predicted proportion of self-reported taeniosis was 54% and 75% for Jimma and 44% and 70% for Ambo community and meat industry workers, respectively. The odds of ...

Assessment of the Commitments and Performance of the European Food Industry to Improve Population Nutrition.

proportion of sales from ultra-processed and “unhealthy” food categories (product categories not-permitted to be marketed to children) and over time changes in the number of QSR transactions and QSR and ...

Benchmarking the nutrition-related commitments and practices of major Belgian food companies.

information (2019-2020). Commitments were scored according to the BIA-Obesity. To assess company practices, the following indicators were calculated: median Nutri-Score of product portfolios, the proportion of ...

Iron Deficiency Is a Risk Factor for Thyroid Dysfunction During Pregnancy: A Population-Based Study in Belgium

women. Methods: The study population comprised a sample of pregnant women in Belgium during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy (n = 1241). Women were selected according to a multistage proportional ...

The nature of food promotions over one year in circulars from leading Belgian supermarket chains

proportion of healthier and less healthy food promotions in circulars of major Belgian supermarket chains. Methods: Food promotions were collected from all circulars over 1 year from the five largest Belgian ...

The effect of a shelf placement intervention on sales of healthier and less healthy breakfast cereals in supermarkets: A co-designed pilot study.

retailer feedback. There was no difference in proportional sales of more prominently positioned healthier products between intervention (56%) and control (56%) stores during the intervention. There were no ...

The Cost of Diets According to Their Caloric Share of Ultraprocessed and Minimally Processed Foods in Belgium.

the average dietary cost per 2000 kcal was significantly lower for individuals in the highest compared to the lowest tertile for the proportion of daily energy consumed from UPF (EUR-0.37 ± 0.13; ...

Habitual food consumption of the Belgian population in 2014-2015 and adherence to food-based dietary guidelines.

of habitual food consumptions and proportion of persons who did not meet the recommendations were estimated with SPADE. Results: For most of food groups analysed, the habitual consumption did not ...

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