Silicone Wristband Passive Samplers Yield Highly Individualized Pesticide Residue Exposure Profiles.

Last updated on 3-2-2021 by Jill Alexandre

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article


Article written during project(s) : 


Monitoring human exposure to pesticides and pesticide residues (PRs) remains crucial for informing public health policies, despite strict regulation of plant protection product and biocide use. We used 72 low-cost silicone wristbands as noninvasive passive samplers to assess cumulative 5-day exposure of 30 individuals to polar PRs. Ethyl acetate extraction and LC-MS/MS analysis were used for the identification of PRs. Thirty-one PRs were detected of which 15 PRs (48%) were detected only in worn wristbands, not in environmental controls. The PRs included 16 fungicides (52%), 8 insecticides (…

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