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Filtres: Auteur is Philippe Szternfeld
Evaluation de l’exposition humaine aux résidus de pesticides à l’aide de bracelets en silicone, Joly, Laure, Aerts Raf, Szternfeld Philippe, Tsilikas K, De Cremer Koen, Castelain Philippe, Aerts M, Van Orshoven J, Somers B, Ghendrickx M, et al. , 49e congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, 2019 nov 20, (2019)
Exposure to contaminants after tea consumption, Cheyns, Karlien, and Szternfeld Philippe , 4th IMEKOFOODS conference, 2019, (2019)
Exposure to contaminants after tea consumption, Cheyns, Karlien, and Szternfeld Philippe , 4th IMEKOFOODS conference , 2019, Tervuren, Belgium, (2019)
Exposure to pesticides and metals following tea consumption in Belgium, Szternfeld, Philippe, and Cheyns Karlien , IMEKOFOODS4, 16-18/09/2019, Tervuren, Belgium, (2019)
Investigation of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons contamination in spices and dried herbs available on the Belgian market, Szternfeld, Philippe , 4th IMEKO FOODS - Metrology supporting emerging food topics, Belgium, (2019)
Modular Method for the Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Spices and Dried Herbs by Gas Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Szternfeld, Philippe, Marchi Jessica, Malysheva Svetlana V., and Joly Laure , Food Analytical Methods, 2019 july 16, Volume 12, Issue 10, (2019)
Diquat and Paraquat analysis by UPLC-MSMS, Joly, Laure , Workshop of the national laboratory of reference, 8/12/2016, NA, (2016)
La spectrométrie de mobilité ionique (IMS): un soutien aux analyses de pesticides par screening, Joly, Laure, Goscinny Séverine, Hanot V., Szternfeld Philippe, De Pauw E., and Eppe G. , LABINFO FAVV, 1/08/2016, Volume 15, Number 18, Brussels, Belgium, p.3, (2016)
PAHs determination in smoked pepper by GC-MS/MS, Szternfeld, Philippe, and Marchi J. , 11th EURL-PAHs Workshop, 5/10/2016, Issue Wenzl,T., von Holst,C., Geel, (2016)
A Robust Transferable Method for the Determination of Glyphosate Residue in Liver After Derivatization by Ultra-high Pressure Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Szternfeld, Philippe, Malysheva Svetlana V., Hanot Vincent, and Joly Laure , Food Analytical Methods, Jan-05-2016, Volume 96013131292127251218833L 235L 961191218, Issue 5, (2016)
Screening cyanobacteria to discover new antifungal compounds, Becker, Pierre, Wilmotte A., Szternfeld Philippe, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Anthonissen R., Verschaeve Luc, and Hendrickx Marijke , Departemental Retreat of the Mycology Department of the Pasteur Institute 2016, 29/6/2016, Issue Département de Mycologie de l'Institut Pasteur de Paris, Paris, (2016)

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