HealthDCAT-AP – A DCAT Application Profile for the description of health datasets “Recommendations on further development and deployment for possible EU-wide uptake”

Last updated on 15-1-2025 by Charles-Andrew Vande Catsyne

Public Access


Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph




This document presents recommendations for the further development and potential EU-wide adoption of HealthDCAT-AP, an extension of the DCAT Application Profile for dataset catalogues in Europe1. HealthDCAT-AP is specifically designed to describe health datasets and dataset access services, ensuring they are consistently represented and easily discoverable across various platforms. The principal objective of the Health Data Catalog Application Profile (HealthDCAT-AP) is to establish a standardised, interoperable metadata schema tailored to the health domain. This schema is intended to faci…

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