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Filtres: Auteur is Nienke Schutte
Addressing health determinants in a digital age: project report - World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Van Kessel, Robin, Seghers Laure-Elise, Anderson Michael, Schutte Nienke, Monti Giovanni, Haig Madeleine, Schmidt Jelena, Wharton George, Azzopardi-Muscat Natasha, Novillo-Ortiz David, et al. , 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, p.36, (2024)
Consensus process for a data quality and utility label, Proietti Mercuri, Claudio, Delgado Enrique Bernal, Estupiñán-Romero Francisco, and Schutte Nienke , 28/06/2024, p.35, (2024)
COVID-19 health information system assessments in eight European countries: identified gaps, best practices and recommendations, Saso, Miriam, Schutte Nienke, Borg Marika, Calleja Neville, Schmidt Andrea E., Peyroteo Mariana, Velez Lapão, Luís, Fehr Angela, Thißen Martin, Michael Courtney, et al. , European Journal of Public Health, Jan-07-2024, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, (2024)
Delayed treatment in breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population health information research infrastructure (PHIRI) case study, Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco, Santiago Royo-Sierra, González-Galindo Javier, Martínez-Lizaga Natalia, Bogaert Petronille, Schutte Nienke, Van Eycken Liesbet, Van Damme Nancy, Henau Kris, Lyons Ronan A., et al. , European Journal of Public Health, Jan-07-2024, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, (2024)
European Health Information Portal: a one-stop shop for health information, Tolonen, Hanna, Saso Miriam, Unim Brigid, Palmieri Luigi, Schutte Nienke, Peyroteo Mariana, Velez Lapão, Luís, Habl Claudia, and Bogaert Petronille , European Journal of Public Health, Jan-07-2024, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, (2024)
Health information system assessments: Opportunities for international collaboration, Calleja, Neville, Saso Miriam, Schutte Nienke, and Borg Marika , European Public Health Conference , 2024, Volume 34, Issue European Public Health Association , Lisbon, Portugal, (2024)
HealthDCAT-AP – A DCAT Application Profile for the description of health datasets “Recommendations on further development and deployment for possible EU-wide uptake”, Derycke, Pascal, Korsgaard Truls, Catsyne Charles-Andrew Vande, Huru Han Aage, and Schutte Nienke , 2024, EU, p.100, (2024)
Mapping the regulatory landscape for artificial intelligence in health within the European Union, Schmidt, Jelena, Schutte Nienke, Buttigieg Stefan, Novillo-Ortiz David, Sutherland Eric, Anderson Michael, de Witte Bart, Peolsson Michael, Unim Brigid, Pavlova Milena, et al. , npj Digital Medicine, Jan-12-2024, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2024)
Population health information research infrastructure—from data to public health actions, Schutte, Nienke, Bogaert Petronille, Saso Miriam, and Van Oyen Herman , European Journal of Public Health, Jan-07-2024, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, (2024)
Innovative Methods Used in Monitoring COVID-19 in Europe: A Multinational Study, Unim, Brigid, Schutte Nienke, Thissen Martin, and Palmieri Luigi , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jan-01-2023, Volume 20, Issue 1, (2023)

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