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Filtres: Auteur is Brecht Devleesschauwer
Associating sporadic, foodborne illness caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli with specific foods: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies, Devleesschauwer, Brecht, Pires Sara Monteiro, Young Ian, Gill Alex, and Majowicz Shannon E. , Epidemiology and Infection, Jan-01-2019, Volume 147, (2019)
Attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years caused by infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU and the European Economic Area in 2015: a population-level modelling analysis, Cassini, Alessandro, Högberg Liselotte Diaz, Plachouras Diamantis, Quattrocchi Annalisa, Hoxha Ana, Simonsen Gunnar Skov, Colomb-Cotinat Mélanie, Kretzschmar Mirjam E., Devleesschauwer Brecht, Cecchini Michele, et al. , Lancet Infect Dis, 2019 Jan, Volume 19, Issue 1, (2019)
Bayesian evaluation of three serological tests for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis in Bangladesh, Rahman, A K. M. Anisur, Smit Suzanne, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Polychronis Kostoulas, Abatih Emmanual, Saegerman Claude, Shamsuddin Mohamed, Berkvens Dirk, Dhand Navneet K., and Ward Michael P. , Epidemiology and Infection, Jan-01-2019, Volume 147, (2019)
Combining primary care surveillance and a meta-analysis to estimate the incidence of the clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis in Belgium, 2015–2017, Geebelen, Laurence, Van Cauteren Dieter, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Moreels S, Tersago Katrien, Van Oyen Herman, Speybroeck Niko, and Lernout Tinne , Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, Jan-04-2019, Volume 10, Issue 3, (2019)
A comprehensive catalogue of EQ-5D scores in chronic disease: results of a systematic review, Van Wilder, Lisa, Rammant Elke, Clays Els, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Pauwels Nele, and De Smedt Delphine , Quality of Life Research, Jan-12-2019, Volume 28, Issue 12, (2019)
Disentangling the Link between Built/Non-Built Environment and Mental Health in Brussels, Pelgrims, Ingrid, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Keune Hans, Bastiaens Hilde, Remmen Roy, Nawrot Tim, Trabelsi Sonia, Guyot Madeleine, Lauwers Laura, and De Clercq Eva M. , Cosmopolis: les Etats généraux de l'air, (2019)
Effects of ‘The Vicious Worm’ educational tool on Taenia solium knowledge retention in Zambian primary school students after one year, Hobbs, Emma Clare, Mwape Kabemba Evans, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Van Damme Inge, Krit Meryam, Berkvens Dirk, Zulu Gideon, Mambwe Moses, Chembensofu Mwelwa, Trevisan Chiara, et al. , PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Aug-05-2020, Volume 13, Issue 5, (2019)
Epidemiology of Taenia saginata taeniosis/cysticercosis: a systematic review of the distribution in West and Central Africa, Hendrickx, Emilie, Thomas Lian F., Dorny Pierre, Bobić Branko, Braae Uffe Christian, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Eichenberger Ramon M., Gabriël Sarah, Saratsis Anastasios, Torgerson Paul R., et al. , Parasites & Vectors, Jan-12-2019, Volume 12, Issue 1, (2019)
Epidemiology of Taenia saginata taeniosis/cysticercosis: a systematic review of the distribution in central and western Asia and the Caucasus, Torgerson, Paul R., Abdybekova Aida M., Minbaeva Gulnara, Shapiyeva Zhanna, Thomas Lian F., Dermauw Veronique, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Gabriël Sarah, Dorny Pierre, Braae Uffe Christian, et al. , Parasites & Vectors, Jan-12-2019, Volume 12, Issue 1, (2019)
Epidemiology of Taenia saginata taeniosis/cysticercosis: a systematic review of the distribution in the Middle East and North Africa, Saratsis, Anastasios, Sotiraki Smaragda, Braae Uffe Christian, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Dermauw Veronique, Eichenberger Ramon M., Thomas Lian F., Bobić Branko, Dorny Pierre, Gabriël Sarah, et al. , Parasites & Vectors, Jan-12-2019, Volume 12, Issue 1, (2019)
Estimates of the 2015 global and regional disease burden from four foodborne metals - arsenic, cadmium, lead and methylmercury, Gibb, Herman J., Barchowsky Aaron, Bellinger David, Bolger P Michael, Carrington Clark, Havelaar Arie H., Oberoi Shilpi, Zang Yu, O'Leary Keri, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , Environ Res, 2019 Jul, Volume 174, Number 194, (2019)
Estimation of the worldwide seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Zuhair, Mohamed, G. Smit Suzanne A., Wallis Gabriel, Jabbar Faiz, Smith Colette, Devleesschauwer Brecht, and Griffiths Paul , Reviews in Medical Virology, Jan-05-2019, Volume 29, Issue 3, (2019)
Evolution of educational inequalities in life and health expectancies at 25 years in Belgium between 2001 and 2011: a census-based study, Renard, Françoise, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Van Oyen Herman, Gadeyne Sylvie, and Deboosere Patrick , Arch Public Health, 2019, Volume 77, (2019)
Food groups and risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies, Bechthold, Angela, Boeing Heiner, Schwedhelm Carolina, Hoffmann Georg, Knüppel Sven, Iqbal Khalid, De Henauw Stefaan, Michels Nathalie, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Schlesinger Sabrina, et al. , Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Dec-04-2019, Volume 59, Issue 7, Number 1090, (2019)
Global and regional source attribution of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infections using analysis of outbreak surveillance data, Pires, Sara M., Majowicz Shannon, Gill Alexander, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , Epidemiology and Infection, Jan-01-2019, Volume 147, (2019)
Global burden of cancer and coronary heart disease resulting from dietary exposure to arsenic, 2015, Oberoi, Shilpi, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Gibb Herman J., and Barchowsky Aaron , Environ Res, 2019 Jan 11, Volume 171, Number 192, (2019)
Global burden of intellectual disability resulting from dietary exposure to lead, 2015, Carrington, Clark, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Gibb Herman J., and Bolger Michael P. , Environ Res, 2019 Feb 16, Volume 172, Number 429, (2019)
Global burden of intellectual disability resulting from prenatal exposure to methylmercury, 2015, Bellinger, David C., Devleesschauwer Brecht, O'Leary Keri, and Gibb Herman J. , Environ Res, 2018 Dec 19, Volume 170, Number 421, (2019)
Global burden of late-stage chronic kidney disease resulting from dietary exposure to cadmium, 2015, Yu, Zang, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Bolger Michael P., Goodman Emily, and Gibb Herman J. , Environ Res, 2018 Oct 22, Volume 169, Number 78, (2019)
Global burden of melioidosis in 2015: a systematic review and data synthesis, Birnie, Emma, Virk Harjeet S., Savelkoel Jelmer, Spijker Rene, Bertherat Eric, Dance David A. B., Limmathurotsakul Direk, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Haagsma J A., and Wiersinga Joost W. , The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Jan-08-2019, Volume 19, Issue 8, (2019)
Global disease burden of pathogens in animal source foods, 2010, Min, Li, Havelaar Arie H., Hoffmann Sandra, Hald Tine, Kirk Martyn D., Torgerson Paul R., and Devleesschauwer Brecht , PLOS ONE, Jun-06-2019, Volume 14, Issue 6, (2019)

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