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Filtres: Auteur is Karin De Ridder
Do current fortification and supplementation programs assure adequate intake of fat-soluble vitamins in Belgian infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and lactating women?, Moyersoen, Isabelle, Lachat Carl, Cuypers Koenraad, De Ridder Karin, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Tafforeau Jean, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Vansteenland Margot, De Meulenaer Bruno, Van Camp John, et al. , Nutrients, 2018 Feb 16, Volume 10, Issue 2, (2018)
Do current fortification and supplementation programs assure adequate intake of vitamin A, D, E and K in Belgium?, Moyersoen, Isabelle, De Ridder Karin, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Cuypers Koenraad, Tafforeau Jean, Dekkers A., Van Sleemland M, De Meulenaer Bruno, Van Oyen Herman, et al. , Belgian Nutrtion Society annual conference, Issue Belgian Nutrition Society, Brussels, (2018)
Food contamination with pyrrolizidine alkaloids: the expected and the unexpected, Picron, J.F., Goscinny Séverine, Herman Mélanie, Bel Sarah, De Ridder Karin, and Van Hoeck Els , ICEPRAR 2018, Mahdia - Tunisia, (2018)
Longitudinal pharmacoepidemiological and health services research for substance users in treatment: protocol of the Belgian TDI-IMA linkage., Van Baelen, L, De Ridder Karin, Antoine Jérôme, and Gremeaux L. , Arch Public Health, 2018, Volume 76, (2018)
UHPLC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in a wide range of food matrices and exposure assessment for the Belgian population, Picron, J.F., Goscinny Séverine, Herman Mélanie, Bel Sarah, De Ridder Karin, and Van Hoeck Els , Analytica Conference, Munich - Germany, (2018)
Utilization of gabapentin by people in treatment for substance use disorders in Belgium (2011-2014): a cross-sectional study., Van Baelen, L, De Ridder Karin, Antoine Jérôme, and Gremeaux L. , Arch Public Health, 2018, Volume 76, (2018)
The added value of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) information to estimate the usual food intake based on repeated 24-hour recalls, Ost, Cloë, De Ridder Karin, Tafforeau Jean, and Van Oyen Herman , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2017, Volume 75, Issue 1, (2017)
Correcting the self-reported BMI doesn't impact the socio-economic inequalities in obesity, Drieskens, Sabine, Demarest Stefaan, Bel Sarah, De Ridder Karin, and Tafforeau Jean , European Public Health Conference, nov 2017, Stockholm, (2017)
Dietary exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in young children and adults from the Belgian population (PASFOOD), Picron, J.F., De Ridder Karin, Van Hoeck Els, Andjelkovic Mirjana, and Goscinny Séverine , 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.NA, (2017)
Fat soluble vitamin intake from the consumption of food, fortified food and supplements: design and methods of the belgian Vitadek-study, Moyersoen, Isabelle, Demarest Stefaan, Bel Sarah, De Ridder Karin, and Tafforeau Jean , Archives of Public Health, (2017)
Fat-soluble vitamin intake from the consumption of food, fortified food and supplements: design and methods of the Belgian VITADEK study., Moyersoen, Isabelle, Demarest Stefaan, De Ridder Karin, Tafforeau Jean, Lachat Carl, and Van Camp John , Arch Public Health, 2017, Volume 75, p.31, (2017)
Intake of Fat-Soluble Vitamins in the Belgian Population: Adequacy and Contribution of Foods, Fortified Foods and Supplements, Moyersoen, Isabelle, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Dekkers Arnold, De Ridder Karin, Tafforeau Jean, Van Camp John, Van Oyen Herman, and Lachat Carl , Nutrients, Volume 9, Issue 8, (2017)
Intake of Fat-Soluble Vitamins in the Belgian Population: Adequacy and Contribution of Foods, Fortified Foods and Supplements., Moyersoen, Isabelle, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Dekkers Arnold, De Ridder Karin, Tafforeau Jean, Van Camp John, Van Oyen Herman, and Lachat Carl , Nutrients, 2017 Aug 11, Volume 9, Issue 8, (2017)
Developments and trends on drugs 2015. Synthesis report by the Belgian Reitox National Focal Point, Plettinckx, E , jan 2016, Brussels, p.20, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015, De Ridder, Karin, Bel Sarah, Brocatus Loes, Ost Cloë, Teppers Eveline, and Tafforeau Jean , 2016, p.211, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015, partie 4 : consommation alimentaire, De Ridder, Karin, Bel Sarah, Brocatus Loes, Lebacq Thérésa, Ost Cloë, and Teppers Eveline , 2016, Number 211, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.1577, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Rapport 2 : sécurité alimentaire, Lebacq, Thérésa, Teppers Eveline, Bel Sarah, De Ridder Karin, and Ost Cloë , 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.147, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Rapport 3 : activité physique et sédentarité., De Ridder, Karin, Bel Sarah, Lebacq Thérésa, and Teppers Eveline , 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.331, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015, rapport 4: consommation alimentaire, De Ridder, Karin, Bel Sarah, Brocatus Loes, Lebacq Thérésa, Moyersoen Isabelle, Ost Cloë, and Teppers Eveline , 2016, Volume 4, Number 1577, Bruxelles, p.1577, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Résumé des résultats, De Ridder, Karin, Bel Sarah, Brocatus Loes, Ost Cloë, and Teppers Eveline , Résumé des résultats 2014-2015, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.211, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Résumé Rapport 3 : activité physique et sédentarité., De Ridder, Karin , 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.44, (2016)
Enquête de consommation alimentaire 2014-2015. Résumé rapport 4: la consommation alimentaire, De Ridder, Karin, Lebacq Thérésa, Ost Cloë, Teppers Eveline, and Brocatus Loes , 2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.88, (2016)
General practice patients treated for substance use problems: a cross-national observational study in Belgium., Boffin, Nicole, Antoine Jérôme, Moreels S, Wanyama Simeon, De Ridder Karin, Peremans Lieve, Vanmeerbeek Marc, and Van Casteren Viviane , BMC Public Health, 2016 Dec 08, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.1235, (2016)
Misreporting of energy intake in the belgian food consumption surveys (2004-2014), Bel, Sarah, De Ridder Karin, and Tafforeau Jean , European Public Health Conference, Vienna, (2016)
Physical activity and sedentary behavior in Belgium (BNFCS2014): design, methods and expected outcomes., Lebacq, Thérésa, Ost Cloë, Bel Sarah, Brocatus Loes, Teppers Eveline, Cuypers Koenraad, Tafforeau Jean, and De Ridder Karin , Arch Public Health, 2016, Volume 74, p.44, (2016)

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