Onglets principaux
Exporter 72 resultats:
Filtres: Auteur is Philippe Herman
Next-generation sequencing as a tool for the molecular characterisation and risk assessment of genetically modified plants: Added value or not?,
, Trends Food Sci. Technol., Volume 45, Issue 2, p.319 - 326, (2015)
UGM characterization using DNA walking strategy,
, LabInfo, 14/12/2015, Volume 14, Number 34, p.32 - 34, (2015)
Validation of a sensitive DNA walking strategy to characterise unauthorised GMOs using model food matrices mimicking common rice products,
, Food Chemistry, 05/10/2014, Volume 173, (2015)
Benefits of genomics in the risk assessment of genetically modified plants for human consumption,
, 2nd Plant Genomics Congress Europe, 0/5/2014, Issue Global Engage, (2014)
Engineering nucleases for gene targeting: safety and regulatory considerations.,
, N Biotechnol, 2014 Jan 25, Volume 31, Issue 1, Number 27, p.18-27, (2014)
An innovative and integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorised GMOs,
, Food Chemistry, 29/09/2013, Volume 147, (2014)
NeXSplorer.iph: Development of next generation sequencing data analysis tools in support of a fast response for public health and food chain safety,
, Applications of Next Generation Sequencing for public health, 0/0/2014, Issue =WIV-ISP, NA, (2014)
Novel GMO-Based Vaccines against Tuberculosis: State of the Art and Biosafety Considerations.,
, Vaccines (Basel), 2014 Jun 16, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.463-99, (2014)
Biorisk management: Legislation, authorities and procedures,
, Summer course - Principles of Biorisk Management, 10/9/2013, Issue UGent, NA, (2013)
Biosafety of viral vectors commonly used in gene therapy and vaccination.,
, Curr Gene Ther, 2013 Dec, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.383-4, (2013)
Biosafety risk assessment and management of laboratory-derived influenza A (H5N1) viruses transmissible in ferrets,
, Applied Biosafety, 3/2013, Volume 18, Issue 1, Number 17, (2013)
Event report: SynBio Workshop (Paris 2012) - Risk assessment challenges of Synthetic Biology,
, J.Verbr.Lebensm., 0/0/2013, Volume 8, Number 226, p.215 - 226, (2013)
High-containment Level Facilities Handling Pathogenic Organisms in Belgium: An Overview,
, Appl.Biosafety, 0/0/2013, Volume 18, Issue 3, Number 131, p.122 - 131, (2013)
An innovative integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorized GMOs,
, 19/09/2013, Gent, Belgium, (2013)
Instalaciones de alto nivel de contención: la situación en Belgica,
, Biosecuridad 2013, 20/9/2013, Issue Centro Nacional de Seguridad Biológica, NA, (2013)
Laboratory activities involving transmissible spongiform encephalopathy causing agents: risk assessment and biosafety recommendations in Belgium.,
, Prion, 2013 Sep-Oct, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.420-33, (2013)
New techniques and methods developed by the Belgian NRL-GMO to identify unauthorized GMOs in the UGMMONITOR project,
, LabInfo, 21/1/2013, Volume 9, Number 27, p.25 - 27, (2013)
Nieuwe technieken en methoden ontwikkeld door het Belgische NRL-GGO voor het identificeren van niet-geautoriseerde GGO's in het UGMMONITOR project,
, LabInfo, 0/0/2013, Volume 9, Issue Janvier 2013, Number 27, p.25 - 27, (2013)
Nouvelles techniques et méthodes développées par le LNR-OGM Belge pour identifier les OGMs non-autorisés dans le projet UGMMONITOR,
, LabInfo, 0/0/2013, Volume 9, Issue Janvier 2013, Number 27, p.25 - 27, (2013)
Projet UGMMONITOR : résultat de la première année.,
, Premier comité d'accompagnement du projet UGMMONITOR, 22/4/2013, Issue WIV-ISP,PBB, NA, (2013)
Utilisation confinée d'OGM et/ou pathogènes: Le responsable de la biosécurité,
, Meeting organized by Pfizer, 17/5/2013, Issue Pfizer (Zoetis), NA, (2013)
Chlamydia Psittaci, Causative Agent of Avian Chlamydiosis and Human Psittacosis: Risk Assessment and Biosafety Recommendations for Laboratory Use,
, Appl.Biosafety, 0/0/2012, Volume 17, Issue 2, Number 88, p.82 - 88, (2012)
Synthetic Biology. Latest developments, biosafety considerations and regulatory challenges,
, 0/0/2012, Number 43, Brussels, Belgium, p.43, (2012)
Biosafety in laboratory animal facilities. A practical approach.,
, 0/0/2011, Volume D/2011/2505/47, Number 44, Brussels, p.44, (2011)
De Europese regelgeving inzake GGO's in het licht van nieuwe technieken van genetische modificatie2769,
, ILVO Nieuwsgolf, 0/0/2010, Volume Sept 2010, (2010)