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Filtres: Auteur is Simeon Wanyama
EPS5.06 Demography and clinical outcomes in cystic fibrosis lung transplant recipients in Belgium, Thomas, Muriel, Wanyama Simeon, Dupont L, Etienne I., Evrard P., Rondelet B., Sokolow Y., and Van Raemdonck D. , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Jan-06-2018, Volume 17, (2018)
Le registre belge de la mucoviscidose - Faits et chiffres 2016, Wanyama, Simeon, and Thomas Muriel , 2018, p.8, (2018)
Quantifying activity changes of neuromuscular patients using the ACTIVLIM questionnaire: a 5-years longitudinal study, Bleyenheuft, Corinne, Goemans N., Wanyama Simeon, Van Damme P., De Bleecker J., Van Coster R., De Jonghe P., Beysen D., Van den Bergh P., Paquay S., et al. , 23rd International Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society (WMS), (2018)
Quantifying the changes in activity level of neuromuscular patients using the ACTIVLIM questionnaire: A 5-years study, Bleyenheuft, Corinne, Wanyama Simeon, Van Damme P., Goemans N., De Bleecker J., Van Coster R., De Jonghe P., Beysen D., Van den Bergh P., Paquay S., et al. , 12th ISPRM World Congress, (2018)
Risk factors and impact of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-negative CF patients., De Baets, Frans, De Keyzer Linde, Van Daele Sabine, Schelstraete Petra, Van Biervliet Stephanie, Van Braeckel Eva, Thomas Muriel, and Wanyama Simeon , Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2018 Jul 07, (2018)

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