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Filtres: Auteur is Sylvia Broeders
Validation of qualitative qPCR methods, Broeders, Sylvia, Vandermassen Els, and Roosens Nancy , Trends in Food Analysis VII, 0/0/2013, Issue KVCV - Sectie Voeding, KVCV - Sectie Voeding, (2013)
Chapter 13 : Why « combinatory qPCR » technology is a useful tool to deal with the detection of "unexepected" GMO., Broeders, Sylvia, and Roosens Nancy , 6th Stevia symposium, 0/0/2012, Issue EUSTAS 2012, Number 214, NA, p.193 - 214, (2012)
Development of a molecular platform for GMO detection in food and feed on the basis of "combinatory qPCR" technology4843, Broeders, Sylvia, Papazova N., Van den Bulcke Marc, and Roosens Nancy , Polymerase Chain Reaction, 30/5/2012, Issue 18, Number 404, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, p.566, (2012)
Emerging threats: new GMO and UGM419, Broeders, Sylvia, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., and Roosens Nancy , LabInfo, 0/7/2012, Volume 8, Number 22, p.18 - 22, (2012)
How to Deal with the Upcoming Challenges in GMO Detection in Food and Feed424, Broeders, Sylvia, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., and Roosens Nancy , Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 0/0/2012, Volume 2012, (2012)
NRL-GMO: GMOSeek research project (2009 - 2011) for GMO detection361, Broeders, Sylvia, Barbau-Piednoir E., Mbongolo-Mbella G.E., Papazova N., Pouppez A., Roosens Nancy, Taverniers Isabel, De Loose M., Debode Frédéric, Berben G., et al. , LabInfo, 0/0/2012, Volume January 2012, Number 27, p.24 - 27, (2012)
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour l'identification des organismes génétiquement modifiés, Papazova, N., Broeders Sylvia, Vandermassen Els, Van Geel D., De Pril S., Demarteau M, Roosens Nancy, Sciacqua M., and Vanherle Anne-Marie , 0/0/2012, Brussels, Belgium, p.89, (2012)
WIV-ISP Scientific report 2010-2011: Practical issues related to the implementation of the recently adopted EU regulation on "Low Level Presence" of GMOs, Papazova, N., De Pril S., Demarteau M, Vandermassen Els, Van Geel D., Broeders Sylvia, and Roosens Nancy , 0/0/2012, Brussels, Belgium, (2012)

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