Résultats de la recherche - 654 results
Bigger and Better? Representativeness of the Influenza A Surveillance Using One Consolidated Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Set as Compared to the Belgian Sentinel Network of Laboratories.
globally, while the need for reliable and representative surveillance systems remains as acute as ever. The public health surveillance of infectious diseases uses reported positive results from sentinel ...
Determinants of unit nonresponse in multi-mode data collection: A multilevel analysis.
interviewer effects were found. Almost half (46.6%) of the variability in nonresponse was attributable to the interviewers, even in the analyses controlling for the area as potential confounder. Partial ...
Development of a sample preparation method for the GC-analysis of e-cigarette refill liquids
characterization of e-liquids of which gas-chromatography is the most often used technique as e-liquids mainly consist out of (semi)-volatile ingredients (i.e. nicotine and flavourings) dissolved in a propylene ...
Genotoxic evaluation of the liquids present in electronic cigarettes
device that vaporizes liquid for inhalation by the user. In general, the e-cigarette is perceived as being healthier than the conventional cigarette because no combustion process (and subsequently no ...
Antibiotic resistance prediction for Mycobacterium tuberculosis from genome sequence data with Mykrobe.
insufficient to support the use of WGS as an alternative to conventional phenotype-based DST, due to mutation catalogue limitations. Here we present a new tool,, which provides the same functionality based on ...
Physicochemical Characterisation of the E171 Food Additive
http://www.rafa2019.eu/pdf/RAFA2019_BoA_web.pdf Keywords: E171 particle size distribution Single particle ICP-MS titanium dioxide transmission electron microscopy Abstract: The application of E171 (titanium dioxide) as a food additive has been an ...
Report on the 2018 Multimycotoxin Proficiency Test: Determining 12 mycotoxins in cornflakes
report with two different methods and which will be counted as a separate participation so 25 results in total are used for the report. Participants were invited to report the mean value and measurement ...
Detailed Evaluation of Data Analysis Tools for Subtyping of Bacterial Isolates Based on Whole Genome Sequencing: as a Proof of Concept.
Volume 10 (2019) Abstract: Whole genome sequencing is increasingly recognized as the most informative approach for characterization of bacterial isolates. Success of the routine use of this technology in ...
Migration of mineral oil from cardboard packaging for food: Identification of the hazards and assessment of the exposure of the Belgian population
oil food contamination problem in Belgium, an extensive market survey was conducted including a wide variety of matrices. As saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) have ...
Open Lab Application for the Characterization of Nanomaterials by Transmission Electron Microscopy
areas such as food processing, packaging, nutraceutical delivery, quality control, and functional foods to even the use of nanosensors to assure food quality and safety. Since it is widely expected that ...