Résultats de la recherche - 654 results
The occurrence of putative cognitive enhancing research peptides in seized pharmaceutical preparations: An incentive for controlling agencies to prepare for future encounters of the kind.
the dark web, demonstrated that these kinds of nootropic research peptides are freely available either as lyophilized powder for injection purposes or are present in nasal sprays. It stands to reason ...
Overabundance of unhealthy food advertising targeted to children on Guatemalan television.
food and beverage ads as permitted or non-permitted for marketing to children, according to the 2015 World Health Organisation (WHO) nutrient profile. Furthermore, we also analysed PMT (i.e. premium ...
ADVANCE database characterisation and fit for purpose assessment for multi-country studies on the coverage, benefits and risks of pertussis vaccinations.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if European healthcare databases can be used to estimate vaccine coverage, benefit and/or risk using pertussis-containing vaccines as an example. METHODS: Characterisation was conducted ...
Antibiotic use and resistance in Belgium: the impact of two decades of multi-faceted campaigning.
respondents as source of information. The Belgian outpatient antibiotic use has decreased by 12.8% in DID and by 42.8% in PID in the 2017-2018 winter compared to the winter before the start of its public ...
Lineages Within the Trichophyton rubrum Complex.
confirm these taxa as four monophyletic species. Our results also suggest that strains formerly identified as T. kuryangei and T. megninii should be considered in future taxonomic studies. Health Topics: ...
Comments on the “Evaluation of the Genotoxicity of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Male and Female Rats and Mice Following Subchronic Exposure” by Smith‐Roe et al.
female rats and mice following subchronic exposure. Smith-Roe SL, Wyde ME, Stout MD, Winters JW, Hobbs CA, Shepard KG, Green AS, Kissling GE, Shockley KR, Tice RR, Bucher JR, Witt KL.Environ Mol Mutagen. ...
included as internal standard. Validation of the UPLC- TQMS method addressed selectivity, linearity, precision, trueness and accuracy. Out of the 15 investigated MHP s, 6 were found to leak 5 sensitizing and ...
Risk assessment of aflatoxins in food
AFG2, the in vivo data are not sufficient to derive potency factors and equal potency to AFB1 was assumed as in previous assessments. MOE values for AFB1 exposure ranged from 5,000 to 29 and for AFM1 from ...
In Vitro and In Vivo Toxicity Studies on Cymbopogon giganteus Chiov. Leaves Essential Oil from Benin
countries. The present study aims to evaluate the oral and inhalation toxicity as well as the mutagenic effects of the essential oil of Cymbopogon giganteus leaves (EOCG) from a sample collected in Benin. ...
Variability of iodine concentrations in the human placenta.
birth cohort, took samples at three standardized locations of the placentas, pooled and digested them, and determined the iodine concentrations using an ICP- MS method as an alternative for the ...