Résultats de la recherche - 9 results

Point Prevalence Study of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute-Care Hospitals: Results of the ECDC PPS 2017

(95% CI: 27.3-29.0%). Medical prophylaxis, surgical prophylaxis and treatment of HAI s were reported as indication in 6.2%, 13.5% and 24.2% of the prescribed antimicrobial agents (N=4103), respectively. ...

National Surveillance of Infections acquired in Intensive Care Units: Annual Report 2015

under this law. Second, as far as collecting data on ICU-acquired Bloodstream infection is concerned, double reporting exists with the national SEP surveillance on Bloodstream infections hospital-wide. ...

Resultaten van de 6e nationale campagne ter bevordering van de handhygiëne in ziekenhuizen, 2014-2015

over 111,000 (95% confidence interval 73,556-159,292) infected patients in this setting [2]. Hand hygiene (HH) compliance has been recognised as the most important factor in preventing transmission of ...

Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Belgium: Report 2014

hospital) was 1.0 /1000 admissions (As a comparison, incidence of HA- MRSA, clinical samples, was 1.1/1000 admissions in 2012). The latest hospital surveillance data show a slight increase in the proportion ...

Résultats de la 5ème campagne nationale pour la promotion de l'hygiène des mains dans les hôpitaux 2013

confidence interval 73,556-159,292) infected patients in this setting [2]. Over the years, hand hygiene (HH) compliance has been recognised as the most important factor in preventing transmission of infection ...

Resultaten van de 5de Nationale campagne ter bevordering van de Handhygiëne (HH) in Ziekenhuizen, 2013

confidence interval 73,556-159,292) infected patients in this setting [2]. Over the years, hand hygiene (HH) compliance has been recognised as the most important factor in preventing transmission of infection ...

Variations in catheter-related bloodstream infections rates based on local practices.

surveillance serves as a quality improvement measure that is often used to assess performance. We reviewed the total number of microbiological samples collected in three Belgian intensive care units (ICU) in ...

Muticentrische studie "Verband tussen antibioticaconsumptie en microbile resistentie bij de individuele patiënt"

during 2005 were coupled with the antimicrobial consumption patterns (July 2004- December 2005) as provided by the pooled data of the seven Belgian health insurance funds (intermutualistic agency). ...

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