Résultats de la recherche - 51 results

Linking animal and human health burden: challenges and opportunities

impact of poor animal health outcomes on human health represents a complex challenge. Using the disability-adjusted life year (DALY) metric as an endpoint, this article discusses how animal health outcomes ...

The importance of estimating the burden of disease from foodborne transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi

from the original World Health Organization estimates of foodborne disease burden that were published in 2015. As these estimates are currently being updated, this review presents arguments for including ...

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2023

according to a coherent framework. To tackle this objective, the disease burden attributable to environmental stressors is estimated using comparative risk assessment (CRA). As this method determines the ...

The state of health in the European Union (EU-27) in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2019

death, years of life lost (YLL s), years lived with disability (YLD s) and disability-adjusted life years (DALY s) rates for Level 2 causes, as well as life expectancy and healthy life expectancy (HALE). ...

Standardised reporting of burden of disease studies: the STROBOD statement

standardization in reporting BOD studies. Notably, the methods section of the STROBOD checklist encompasses aspects such as study setting, data inputs and adjustments, DALY calculation methods, uncertainty ...

A preliminary estimate of the environmental burden of disease associated with exposure to pyrethroid insecticides and ADHD in Europe based on human biomonitoring

children compared to adults. Epidemiological, toxicological, and mechanistic studies raise concerns for potential human health effects, particularly, behavioral effects such as attention deficit ...

The burden of antimicrobial resistance in livestock: A framework to estimate its impact within the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme

of health problems in livestock, was used as the metric in which the concepts and data needs for the AMU and AMR assessment were anchored. The proposed framework identifies pathways for losses and data ...

The direct disease burden of COVID-19 in Belgium in 2020 and 2021

health. In Belgium, the disease burden caused by COVID-19 has not yet been estimated, although COVID-19 has emerged as one of the most important diseases. Therefore, the current study aims to estimate the ...

The burden of breast, cervical, and colon and rectum cancer in the Balkan countries, 1990-2019 and forecast to 2030

respectively), while the highest YLL rates were in Bulgaria (an increase of 63.85%). The YLL rates due to colon and rectum cancers are forecasted to progress by 2030 in all Balkan countries. CONCLUSION: As most of ...

Animal sources of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections in humans: a systematic review

defined as livestock, aquaculture, pets, and animal-based food, on human AMR. We searched four scientific databases and identified 31 relevant publications, including 12 risk assessments, 16 source ...

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