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Résultats de la recherche - 2 results
Genotoxicity investigation of ELF-magnetic fields in Salmonella typhimurium with the sensitive SOS-based VITOTOX test
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Luc Verschaeve; R. Anthonissen; Grudniewska, Magda; Wudarski, Jakub; Gevaert, Lieven; Annemarie Maes Source: Bioelectromagnetics, Volume ...
Intérêt des tests de provocation dans l'étude de l’électrohypersensibilité: Réflexions et propositions
a qualitative study. Bioelectromagnetics, 37(1):14-24. Maes A, Anthonissen R, Wambacq S, Simons K, Verschaeve L.(2016). The Cytome Assay as a Tool to Investigate the Possible Association Between Exposure to ...