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Résultats de la recherche - 4 results
A Multifaceted Approach for Evaluating Hepatitis E Virus Infectivity In Vitro: Cell Culture and Innovative Molecular Methods for Integrity Assessment
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Tatjana Locus; Lambrecht, Ellen; Sophie Lamoral; Willems, Sjarlotte; Steven Van Gucht; Vanwolleghem, Thomas; Michael Peeters Source: Veterinary Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 12 (2023) Health Topics: ...
Towards Real-Time and Affordable Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigations Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technologies
concept using Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli spiked food samples for a strain-level metagenomics foodborne outbreak investigation method using the MinION and Flongle flow cells from Oxford Nanopore ...
Growth of Stressed Strains of Four Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Serogroups in Five Enrichment Broths.
(STEC) serogroups (O26, O103, O111, and O145) exposed to different stress conditions and (ii) the growth dynamics of stressed and nonstressed non- O157 STEC cells in five enrichment media. STEC strains ...
RNA sequencing-based transcriptional overview of xerotolerance in Cronobacter sakazakii SP291.
constitutively upregulated. The 4-hour desiccation tolerance of C. sakazakii was dependent on the immediate microenvironment surrounding the bacterial cell. The removal of Trypticase soy broth (TSB) salts and ...