Résultats de la recherche - 17 results

Determinants of placental iodine concentrations in a mild-to-moderate iodine-deficient population: an ENVIRONAGE cohort study

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Kristof Y. Neven; Cox, Bianca; Karen Vrijens; Michelle Plusquin; Harry A. Roels; Ann Ruttens; Tim S. Nawrot Source: Journal of ...

Predictors of nursing-home entry for elders in Belgium

were excluded, resulting in a final database of 1,927 individuals. A multivariate Cox proportional hazards model was fit to estimate the hazard of NHE. The model examined the hazard of NHE over the ...

Host and environmental determinants of placental iodine concentrations

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Kristof Y. Neven; Cox, Bianca; Wilfried Gyselaers; Joris Penders; Michelle Plusquin; Karen Vrijens; Ann Ruttens; Nawrot, T. ...

A more sensitive, efficient and ISO 17025 validated Magnetic Capture real time PCR method for the detection of archetypal Toxoplasma gondii strains in meat.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: I. Gisbert Algaba; Geerts, Manon; Jennes, Malgorzata; Wim Coucke; Opsteegh, Marieke; Cox, Eric; Dorny, Pierre; Katelijne Dierick; Stéphane ...

Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5).

Camuzat, T; Carlsen, K H; Carr, W; Carriazo, A; Casale, T; A M Cepeda Sarabia; Chatzi, L; Chen, Y Z; Chiron, R; Chkhartishvili, E; Chuchalin, A G; Chung, K F; Ciprandi, G; Cirule, I; Cox, L; Costa, D J; ...

Strain- and Dose-Dependent Reduction of Toxoplasma gondii Burden in Pigs Is Associated with Interferon-Gamma Production by CD8(+) Lymphocytes in a Heterologous Challenge Model.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jennes, Malgorzata; Stéphane De Craeye; Devriendt, Bert; Katelijne Dierick; Dorny, Pierre; Cox, Eric Source: Front Cell Infect Microbiol, ...

Does air pollution trigger suicide? A case-crossover analysis of suicide deaths over the life span.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Casas, Lidia; Cox, Bianca; Mariska Bauwelinck; Nemery, Benoit; Deboosere, Patrick; Nawrot, Tim Steve Source: Eur J Epidemiol (2017) ...

Ambient Air Pollution-related Mortality in Dairy Cattle: Does It Corroborate Human Findings?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cox, Bianca; Gasparrini, Antonio; Boudewijn Catry; Fierens, Frans; Vangronsveld, Jaco; Nawrot, Tim S Source: Epidemiology, Volume 27, ...

Mortality related to cold and heat. What do we learn from dairy cattle?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cox, Bianca; Gasparrini, Antonio; Boudewijn Catry; Delcloo, Andy; Bijnens, Esmée; Vangronsveld, Jaco; Nawrot, Tim S Source: Environ Res, ...

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