Résultats de la recherche - 68 results

Chemoprophylaxis of close contacts of invasive cases of haemophilus influenzae: a review

2000 to 2023, using any combination of “Haemophilus influenzae”, “Haemophilus influenzae invasive”, “Haemophilus infections” or “bacterial meningitis” with “antibiotic prophylaxis”, “post exposure ...

Characterisation and Hazard identification of substandard and Falsified Antimicrobial Drugs. The CantiBio project 2016-2020

which may aggravate illness of patients and induce bacterial resistance. Further, the collected samples were evaluated in terms of impurities and dissolution. The impurities were analyzed based on the ...

The ambitious plan to integrate genomics and patient data in the surveillance of infectious disease and AMR in Belgium: Experiences from be.Prepared

Service:  Maladies bactériennes Bacteriële ziekten Bacterial diseases Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  File:  ...

BSFM 2023- L. monocytogenes in Plant-Based Foods: insights from of a recent foodborne outbreak linked to vegan alternative to cheese

Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen Foodborne pathogens Maladies bactériennes Bacteriële ziekten Bacterial diseases Full ...

Pyrogen testing of phage therapeutic products

these last years, with treatments provided to more than 100 patients, against more than 10 different bacterial species. Therapeutic phage products are produced  in a bacterial host strain, hence pyrogen ...

Validation of an animal-free analytical method for the detection of bacterial endotoxins in human vaccines

“Official Control Authority Batch Release” (OCABR) guidelines, is entitled to check the concentration of endotoxin in bacterial vaccines. The limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) and the recombinant factor C (rFC) ...

Determination of vaccine bacterial endotoxins content by the rFC method

endotoxin in bacterial vaccines. The limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) and the recombinant factor C (rFC) assays are suitable for all vaccines tested. The rFC method has been implemented at Sciensano for batch ...

Introduction of WGS in food microbiology: advantages and challenges

for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) published the opinion 18-2021 regarding whole genome sequencing (WGS) for the detection of foodborne outbreaks and bacterial risk assessment. This opinion was ...

Shotgun metagenomics as a ONE Health tool for better protecting human health

each other, and also to the results obtained with conventional methods. Results: A commercial kit was selected and optimized for the extraction of sufficient high-molecular weight DNA, to match the needs ...

Characterization and hazard identification of substandard and falsified antimicrobials encountered in Belgium

half of the samples were underdosed, resulting in a potential lower efficacy and so may aggravate illness of patients and induce bacterial resistance [2]. Moreover, in order to have an in-depth ...

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