Résultats de la recherche - 83 results

What is the optimal regimen for BCG intravesical therapy? Are six weekly instillations necessary?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: A R Zlotta; Van Vooren, J P; Huygen, K; Drowart, A; M Decock; M Pirson; Fabienne Jurion; Palfliet, K; Olivier J Denis; J Simon; ...

Cloning of the gene encoding a 22-kilodalton cell surface antigen of Mycobacterium bovis BCG and analysis of its potential for DNA vaccination against tuberculosis.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lefèvre, P; Denis, O; De Wit, L; Tanghe, A; Vandenbussche, P; Content, J; Huygen, K Source: Infect Immun, Volume 68, Issue 3, Number 1047, ...

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of DNA vaccines encoding secreted and non-secreted forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag85A.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Baldwin, S L; D'Souza, C D; Orme, I M; Liu, M A; Huygen, K; Denis, O; Tang, A; Zhu, L; Montgomery, D; Ulmer, J B Source: Tuber Lung ...

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of tuberculosis DNA vaccines encoding putative phosphate transport receptors.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Tanghe, A; Lefèvre, P; Olivier J Denis; D'Souza, S; Braibant, M; Lozes, E; Singh, M; Montgomery, D; Content, J; Huygen, K Source: ...

Characterization of the culture filtrate-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response induced by bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination in H-2b mice

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Olivier J Denis; Huygen, Kris Source: International Immunology, Volume 11, Issue 2, Number 216 (1999) Keywords: BCG Mycobacterium bovis ...

DNA vaccines against tuberculosis.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ulmer, J B; Montgomery, D L; Tang, A; Zhu, L; Deck, R R; C DeWitt; Olivier J Denis; I Orme; Content, J; Huygen, K Source: Novartis Found ...

Cross-reactive immune responses against Mycobacterium bovis BCG in mice infected with non-tuberculous mycobacteria belonging to the MAIS-Group.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lozes, E; Denis, O; Drowart, A; Fabienne Jurion; Palfliet, K; Vanonckelen, A; De Bruyn, J; De Cock, M; Van Vooren, J P; Huygen, K Source: ...

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