Résultats de la recherche - 83 results

Immunogenicity and efficacy of a tuberculosis DNA vaccine encoding the components of the secreted antigen 85 complex.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lozes, E; Huygen, K; Content, J; Denis, O; Montgomery, D L; Yawman, A M; Vandenbussche, P; Van Vooren, J P; Drowart, A; Ulmer, J B; Liu, ...

Induction of cytotoxic T-cell responses against culture filtrate antigens in Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin-infected mice.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Olivier J Denis; Lozes, E; Huygen, K Source: Infect Immun, Volume 65, Issue 2, p.676-84 (1997) Keywords: Animals Antigen Presentation ...

Induction of immunity by DNA vaccination: application to influenza and tuberculosis.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ulmer, J B; Deck, R R; C M De Witt; J J Donnelly; A Friedman; Montgomery, D L; Yawman, A M; Orme, I M; Olivier J Denis; Content, J; ...

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a tuberculosis DNA vaccine.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Huygen, K; Content, J; Denis, O; Montgomery, D L; Yawman, A M; Deck, R R; DeWitt, C M; Orme, I M; Baldwin, S; D'Souza, C; Drowart, A; ...

In vivo interleukin-4 regulation of antibody responses in euthymic and athymic mice to a T-independent antigen (hydroxyethyl starch).

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Macedo-Soares, F; Latinne, D; Denis, O; Bazin, H Source: Int Arch Allergy Immunol, Volume 110, Issue 2, Number 181, p.174-81 (1996) ...

The perinatal presence of antigen (p-azophenylarsonate) or anti-mu antibodies lead to the loss of the recurrent idiotype (CRIA) in A/J mice.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ryelandt, M; D De Wit; A Baz; Vansanten, G; Olivier J Denis; F Huetz; Nisol, F; Macedo-Soares, F; S Barcy; Brait, M Source: Int Immunol, ...

In vivo study of mIgM and mIgD cross-linking on murine B cells.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Denis, O; Macedo-Soares, F; Latinne, D; Nisol, F; Bazin, H Source: Scand J Immunol, Volume 39, Issue 6, Number 632, p.625-32 (1994) ...

Achievement of serum immunoglobulin depletion in rodents by injections of anti-immunoglobulin antibodies.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Latinne, D; Olivier J Denis; M Soares; Bazin, H Source: Transplant Proc, Volume 26, Issue 2 (1994) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, ...

Resting B cells can act as antigen presenting cells in vivo and induce antibody responses.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Denis, O; Latinne, D; Nisol, F; Bazin, H Source: Int Immunol, Volume 5, Issue 1, Number 78, p.71-8 (1993) Keywords: 2,4-Dinitrophenol ...

Modulation of oral tolerance to ovalbumin by cholera toxin and its B subunit.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pierre, P; Denis, O; Bazin, H; Mbongolo Mbella, E; Vaerman, J P Source: Eur J Immunol, Volume 22, Issue 12, Number 3182, p.3179-82 (1992) ...

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