Résultats de la recherche - 110 results
Patterns and drivers of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in 13 Western European countries
NPI s while hospital admissions were low tended to experience lower gross domestic product (GDP) losses in 2020 (rho = − 0.55, p = 0.08). Structural factors, such as high trust in the national ...
Susceptibility of Mammals to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: A Qualitative Risk Assessment From the Belgian Perspective.
it is concluded that this risk remains ‘low’ to ‘moderate’ for captive/domestic mammal species. However, this risk was categorised as ‘high’ for certain species, i.e. mammals that have the opportunity ...
Development of the Local Food Systems Policy Index (Local Food-EPI+) tool and assessment process to benchmark the implementation of local government policies for creating healthy, equitable and environmentally sustainable food systems.
and the local government context, this process involved a literature review and collaboration with an international and domestic expert advisory committee (35) and local government officials. SETTING: ...
High pathogenic avian influenza A(H5) viruses of clade in Europe-Why trends of virus evolution are more difficult to predict.
threats not only to wild and domestic birds, but also to public health. In recent years, important changes in the ecology, epidemiology, and evolution of this virus have been reported, with an unprecedented ...
Two cases of congenital lipomatosis in calves.
(2024) Keywords: calves CONGENITAL lipomatosis Abstract: Fetal tumours in domestic animals are considered rare. Congenital lipomatous changes have been sporadically reported in fetal, neonatal and young ...
Identification and characterization of inorganic food additives and pearlescent pigments in sprays for food decoration by STEM-EDX
products and domestic cooking to enhance the appearance of food. To obtain specific hues, inorganic food additives containing (nano)particles are mixed in varying concentrations, and pearlescent pigments ...
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Prevalence in Sheep, Wild Boar and Ticks in Belgium.
(TBEV) is the most important tick-borne zoonotic virus in Europe. In Belgium, antibodies to TBEV have already been detected in wildlife and domestic animals, but up-to-date prevalence data for TBEV are ...
Concomitant NA and NS deletion on avian Influenza H3N1 virus associated with hen mortality in France in 2019.
particularities with NA and NS deletions that could be related to virus adaptation from wild to domestic birds and could increase virulence, respectively. Molecular data of H3N1 viruses suggest that these two ...
[Foot and mouth disease virus: transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and surveillance].
Disease Virus (FMDV), a Picornavirus belonging to genus Aphthovirus affects domestic and wild artiodactyls. FMD has a considerable socio-economic impact on agricultural production and trade in endemic ...
A Belgian student with black eschars.
performed on a skin biopsy of the pubic lesion. Close contact with cats (her domestic cats or cats from a local shelter) was probably the source of transmission. Spreading of the lesions was likely the result ...