Résultats de la recherche - 13 results
WIV-ISP's experiences in the use of MALDI-TOF for the identification of Mycobacteria and their drug resistance profiles
Mycobacteria and their drug resistance profiles. By using an optimized extraction protocol, they successfully identified 88.14 % of 194 Mycobacterial strains at a species-level and 3.09 % at genus-level, using ...
RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
of resistance. Materials & Methods First, the global transcriptional response of two TB strains to 10 anti- TB drugs was determined using RNA taq-Seq. A set of highly responsive genes was selected for each ...
Transcriptional profiling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis suggests respiratory poisoning upon exposure to delamanid
counter the spread of multidrug resistant TB, the discovery and characterization of new drugs is essential. In this study, the transcriptional response of two Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains to ...