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Résultats de la recherche - 5 results

Surveillance of antibiotic resistance in non invasive clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae collected in Belgium during winters 2003 and 200436771

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: R. Vanhoof; Carpentier,M.; Cartuyvels,R.; Damee,S.; Fagnart,O.; Frans,J.; Gordts,B.; Y. Glupczynski; Goffinet,P.; Govaerts,D.; P. Lefevre; ...

Surveillance of antibiotic resistance in clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae collected in Belgium during winter 2000-200136723

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: R. Vanhoof; Carpentier,M.; Cartuyvels,R.; Damee,S.; Fagnart,O.; Garrino,M.G.; Y. Glupczynski; Gordts,B.; Govaerts,D.; Magerman,K.; ...

Comparative in vitro activity of temocillin and other antimicrobial agents against Enterobacteriaceae isolated from patients admitted to five Belgian hospitals36707

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: R. Vanhoof; Berin,C.; Carpentier,M.; Fagnart,O.; Y. Glupczynski; Mans,I.; Nyssen,H.J.; Surmont,I.; Van Nimmen,L. Source: Acta Clin.Belg., ...

Study of the in vitro activity of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and other beta-lactam antibiotics against Escherichia coli isolated from urine specimens36706

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: R. Vanhoof; Carpentier,M.; Delannoy,P.; Fagnart,O.; Lontie,M.; Mans,I.; Nyssen,H.J.; Van Nimmen,L. Source: Acta Clin.Belg., Volume 56, ...

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