Résultats de la recherche - 6 results
Predicting the severity of the grass pollen season and the effect of climate change in Northwest Europe
chamber studies. These models can be used as forecasting tools for advising individuals with hay fever and health care professionals how to prepare for the grass pollen season. Health Topics: Rhinite ...
Daily allergy burden and heart rate characteristics in adults with allergic rhinitis based on a wearable telemonitoring system
beyond merely the respiratory system. Health Topics: Rhinite allergique saisonnière Seasonal allergic rhinitis Seizoengebonden allergische rinitis Rhume des foins Hay fever Hooikoorts Service: Risques ...
Spatio-temporal monitoring and modelling of birch pollen levels in Belgium
Seizoengebonden allergische rinitis Hooikoorts Rhinite allergique saisonnière Seasonal allergic rhinitis Rhume des foins Hay fever Pollen (allergie) Manuscript versions: DOI: ...
Temperature-related changes in airborne allergenic pollen abundance and seasonality across the northern hemisphere: a retrospective data analysis
health—one that could be exacerbated as temperatures continue to increase. Health Topics: Pollen (allergie) Rhume des foins Rhinite allergique saisonnière Hay fever Hooikoorts Seasonal allergic rhinitis ...
Thirty-four years of pollen monitoring: an evaluation of the temporal variation of pollen seasons in Belgium
rhinitis Seizoengebonden allergische rinitis Rhume des foins Hay fever Hooikoorts Service: Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie Mycology and aerobiology Manuscript versions: DOI: ...
Comparative long-term trend analysis of daily weather conditions with daily pollen concentrations in Brussels, Belgium.
temperature, radiation, humidity, and rainfall. Health Topics: Rhume des foins Hay fever Hooikoorts Rhinite allergique saisonnière Seasonal allergic rhinitis Seizoengebonden allergische rinitis Service: ...