Résultats de la recherche - 12 results
Physical activity on prescription in Belgium: General Practitioners’ involvement
Activity, Paris, France, 28-31 October 2024, ISPAH, Issue ISPAH, Paris, France (2024) Keywords: general practitioners Physical activity Prescription Abstract: Background In Belgium, only 41% of female and 31% ...
Release of Nano-objects, their aggregates and agglomerates from Masks (RENAAME): validation of a screening method to identify Ti and Ag elements in masks
X. Poisson; Charlotte Wouters Source: Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Association française d'études & de récherche sur les aérosols, Paris, France (2024) Keywords: identification of ...
First post-pandemic evaluation of quality indicators for infection prevention and control in Belgian acute hospitals, 2022 data
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Isabelle Uwera Mpalirwa; Katelijne Matthys Source: SF2H, Sciensano, Issue SF2H, Nancy, France (2024) Health Topics: Quality ...
A multi-country One Health foodborne outbreak simulation exercise: cross-sectoral cooperation, data sharing and communication.
11 European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands) took part in national level two-day exercises during 2022. National ...
Release of Nano-objects, their aggregates and agglomerates from Masks: ambitions and scientific objectives of the RENAAME project
Poisson; Charlotte Wouters Source: Congrès Français sur les Aérosols,-, Paris, France (2023) Keywords: airborne release masks nanomaterials Abstract: Le contexte pandémique a mis en avant la nécessité de ...
Acceptability to Healthcare Professionals of Home-Based HPV Self-Sampling for Cervical Screening: A French Qualitative Study Conducted in an Area with Low Access to Health Services
departments in France (Mayenne and Sarthe) showing low cervical screening coverage. As part of the CapU4 randomized trial, a team of psychologists investigated the attitudes and experiences of 59 healthcare ...
Stakeholders' interviews- citizen engagement in health data secondary use and sharing: Summary report
results will feed into the citizens’ e-consultation that will be organised at the end of 2021 until the beginning of 2022 in Belgium, France and the United Kingdom and more generally in the work conducted ...
Cervical morbidity in Alsace, France: results from a regional organized cervical cancer screening program.
Volume 28, Issue 1 (2019) Keywords: Adult Early Detection of Cancer Female France Humans middle aged morbidity Papillomavirus Vaccines REGISTRIES Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: In 1994, a pilot ...
Diminution du taux d'examen des pieds dans les Cliniques du Diabète en Belgique: résultats d'audits réalisés dans le cadre d'un programme d'audit-feedback mis en place pour améliorer la qualité des soins
Diabète 2018, Sociéte Francophone du Diabète, Issue Sociéte Francophone du Diabète, Nantes, France (2018) Abstract: But: Evaluer comment les Cliniques du Diabète Reconnues Belges réalisent l’examen annuel ...
Diminution du taux de décharge des plaies dans les Cliniques du Pied Diabétique Reconnues Belges (CPDRB): résultats d'audits réalisés dans le cadre d'un programme d'audit-feedback mis en place pour améliorer la qualité des soins
Caren Randon; Eric Weber; Kris Doggen Source: Congrès Annuel de la Sociéte Francophone du Diabète 2018, Sociéte Francophone du Diabète, Issue Sociéte Francophone du Diabète, Nantes, France (2018) ...