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Résultats de la recherche - 2 results

A novel approach using IMS for screening pesticide residues in food

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Séverine Goscinny; V. Hanot; Laure Joly; G. Eppe; M. McCullagh Source: ASMS User meeting Waters Plenary scession, NA, Issue ...

Assessment of the chemical contamination in home-produced eggs in Belgium: general overview of the CONTEGG study.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ilse Van Overmeire; Pussemier, L; Nadia Waegeneers; Hanot, V; Windal, I; Boxus, L; Covaci, A; Eppe, G; Scippo, M L; Sioen, I; Bilau, M; ...

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