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Résultats de la recherche - 36 results

Reflections on key methodological decisions in national burden of disease assessments

priorities for health care and social service delivery and planning. Disability-adjusted life years (DALY s) are one of the most commonly used health gap summary measures in the field of public health and have ...

Is aggregated synthetic amorphous silica toxicologically relevant?

significantly relevant from a nanotoxicological perspective.This knowledge gap greatly afects the safety assessment and regulation of NM s, such as synthetic amorphous silica (SAS). SAS is used in a large panel ...

Incidence rate, predictors and outcomes of interruption of HIV care: nationwide results from the Belgian HIV cohort

and were therefore considered as having experienced a real gap in HIV care; they represented 2.3/100 person-years of follow-up. Factors individually associated with HCI were no antiretroviral therapy ...

Immunisation of migrants in EU/EEA countries: Policies and practices.

existing gaps. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Evolution of educational inequalities in life and health expectancies at 25 years in Belgium between 2001 and 2011: a census-based study

 years for the low-versus-high LE gaps respectively in men and women, compared to 5.19 and 3.76 in 2001, namely 17 and 22% increases. The upwards shift of the EL distribution led to a limited 7% increase ...

Dual DNA Barcoding for the Molecular Identification of the Agents of Invasive Fungal Infections.

internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. However, this allowed only for 75% of all fungi to be correctly identified. As such, the () was recently introduced as the secondary barcode region to close the gap ...

Migration of mineral oil from cardboard packaging for food: Identification of the hazards and assessment of the exposure of the Belgian population

adequate risk assessment. In order to fill some of the existing gaps in the toxicological knowledge on MOAH, data on their endocrine activity and genotoxic potential were collected.  Several interesting ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in health expectancies in Belgium, 2001, 2004 and 2008

and disability to gender disparities in DFLE and LED. Results Higher LE, DFLE and LED were observed for women compared with men in all years studied. A decrease in the gender gap in LE (2001: 5.9; 2004: ...

The obesity transition: stages of the global epidemic.

adults, a smaller increase among children, and a narrowing of the gap between sexes and in socioeconomic differences among women. Many Latin American and Middle Eastern countries are presently at this ...

Hazard characterization and risk assessment of mineral oils: Case study with information obtained in Belgian MinOil study

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Birgit Mertens Source: ILSI workshop ‘Mineral Oil Risk Assessment: Knowledge Gaps and Roadmap’, Brussels (Belgium) (2019) ...

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